Ocoee DUI Lawyer

When you’re facing a DUI in Florida, you are in a lot more trouble than you might realize. This isn’t just a ‘simple case’ and it’s not nearly as ‘open and shut’ as you might think. It’s always best for you to hire an Ocoee DUI lawyer to ensure that you get the best chances of success in fighting your case and get the legal representation that you deserve. With so many different types of charges and penalties out there, you won’t have the best chances of success unless you’re working with someone who understands the laws and how to fight Florida DUI cases successfully.

Florida Law Explained by an Ocoee DUI Attorney

The state of Florida is serious about DUI penalties. They have many different laws and consequences in place for all types of DUI charges, making sure that everyone is held accountable. If you want to avoid or reduce your own penalties, you need to have an Ocoee DUI attorney on your side. Some of the punishments that you face include:

  • License suspension or revocation
  • Immobilization or impound of vehicle
  • Classes or community service
  • Jail time
  • Probation
  • Fines

By making sure that you have a reputable lawyer on your side, you can lower your risk of these consequences and get out of your DUI charge with the least amount of punishment possible, depending on your circumstances.

Strategizing Your DUI Defense

Lawyers have tons of experience in DUI law. They understand the criminal investigation process and how they can help you fight your charges. It’s up to them to make sure that they represent you to the best of their abilities. If you depend on a reputable, experienced DUI lawyer in Ocoee, you will have a much better chance of success with your legal case, no matter what your DUI charges might be.

Entrust a DUI Attorney in Ocoee

Not only will your attorney help you fight your DUI case, but they will also teach you about DUI laws and other relevant information so that you know what you’re dealing with. When you are informed and prepared, it will be much easier for you to get the outcome that you deserve and have peace of mind throughout the process. Use the resources you’re given to learn about Florida’s DUI laws and the legal process so that you are prepared and taking advantage of what you are given.

Contact Katz & Phillips as Your Ocoee DUI Law Firm

You deserve the best legal representation in your DUI case. Katz & Phillips has years of experience in criminal defense law and DUI charges in Florida, allowing you to trust that you are working with someone that you can depend on. We will do what’s in your best interest at all times and make sure that you have the best chances of success in your DUI case. No matter how big or small your charges might be, we’re here to make sure that you get the outcome you deserve. Call us today to discuss your DUI charges and learn more.

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509 W Colonial Dr. Orlando, FL 32804

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Free Consultation(321) 332-0430


Contact the Law Offices of Katz & Phillips today to speak with one of our attorneys about your case today by filling out the form below, or call us at (321) 332-0430.


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