Orlando Underage DUI Lawyer

The legal drinking age in Florida has been 21 since 1987. This means that if you’re younger than 21, you can’t drink – period. It’s against the law. If you break that particular law, then you also get behind the wheel of an automobile and attempt to drive, you’ve broken another law, and the consequences can be serious. Adults are not legally considered to be driving under the influence in Florida until their blood alcohol concentration reaches .08 percent. If you’re under 21, you don’t have that luxury. You’ll blow over at .02 percent – the legal limit for underage drivers — and you can be charged with a DUI. To put this in perspective, after even one drink, you might very well blow over.

Choose Katz & Phillips for Your Orlando Underage DUI Attorney

Don’t take this kind of chance with your future. If you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence and you’re under the age of 21, you need focused legal assistance immediately to make the very best of a bad situation. Don’t try to handle this on your own, and don’t hope it will go away. It won’t. A DUI will appear on your criminal record for the rest of your life, and if you’re under 21, that might be a very long time. The attorneys at Katz & Phillips are compassionate. We care. We won’t second guess your judgment. We’ll devote our full resources to protecting your rights and making sure you get the best result possible.


509 W Colonial Dr. Orlando, FL 32804

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