Ocoee Criminal Defense Lawyer

When it comes to criminal charges in Florida, there are a lot of different things that you need to be prepared for. If you don’t take this process seriously the first time and get the legal help that you deserve, this could haunt you forever. Fortunately, with an Ocoee criminal lawyer on your side, it will be easy for you to get a better outcome and get through the legal process without a lot of hassles. Make sure that you take the time to find a lawyer who can give you the representation that you deserve.

Criminal Misconduct Brings Penalties

A simple mistake can quickly become a life-changing experience. You might have done something that you regret or made a decision that turned out quite wrong. Fortunately, an Ocoee criminal attorney can help. Their experience with criminal law is going to give you the support that you deserve throughout the legal process, including with crimes like:

  • DUI and drug crimes
  • Probation violations
  • Hit and run
  • Federal crimes
  • Internet crimes
  • Juvenile crime
  • Domestic violence
  • Weapons or firearms charges

Criminal defense lawyers can help with all types of criminal charges in Florida, including the ones listed here.

Know How the Justice System Works

When you have an Ocoee criminal defense lawyer on your side, it will be easier for you to get the outcome that you deserve in your case. They know the law and can help you make sure that you get the best resolution. They will walk you through the legal process and make sure that they take a close look at the ongoing criminal investigation to ensure that you are getting the best results for your criminal case every time.

Get the Facts from Your Ocoee Criminal Defense Attorney

An Ocoee criminal defense attorney can also educate you on the legal process. They will be able to give you the facts on what to expect and help you understand Florida criminal law. That way, you can be prepared and informed so that you have a better experience. It might seem easy just to hire a lawyer and let them do all of the work, but that’s not going to be effective in helping you get what you need. Take advantage of the resources that you are given to get information about criminal defense and the legal process in the state of Florida so that you are a more aware defendant.

Contact Us

You deserve a reputable, dependable criminal defense attorney in Ocoee, no matter what criminal charges you are facing. Make sure that you take the time to find someone who can give you that type of support. At Katz & Phillips, we have been through the criminal law process many times and know what it takes to get the results that you deserve. Let us show you how our criminal team can help, with everything from DUI to serious crimes. Call us today at to discuss your case and learn more about our criminal defense solutions.

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509 W Colonial Dr. Orlando, FL 32804

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Free Consultation(321) 332-0430


Contact the Law Offices of Katz & Phillips today to speak with one of our attorneys about your case today by filling out the form below, or call us at (321) 332-0430.


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