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We share data between two laptops using Pendrive. If we have a WiFi router, we use wi-fi network for transferring data between computers/laptops under 300$. If you don’t have pen drives or wi-fi router you use LAN cables or internet. But what do you do if you don’t have anything?In this post, we show you how you can share data between two laptops from wifi network without any wifi routers or cables.

If you share data between two computers by sharing drives from window settings. Believe me, that method is sometimes very irritating. You don’t wanna share your personal files, and you don’t have time for setting permissions in window folder and drives. Try these Best laptop brand 2017 

Step to Transfer Data or Files From Laptop to Laptop

young man with head on his hands

Here we use Mindshare and Shareit Software for sharing data between two laptops using wifi but different ways. Read this post and know how to transfer data between two laptops using wifi. Need to easily connect to another laptop wirelessly to help you shift some information without a switch or Internet connection? With no Internet connection, you can’t use syncing companies like Dropbox to share information between devices quickly. For those who have a network system just like a hub, link or transition, you may get the computers to speak with one another, but it requires a lot of additional function (file sharing, permissions, firewall options, etc).

However, when you have a laptop or computer that’s an invisible card and so does your buddy, you can use the cards to create a wireless connection between the two computers. After they are connected wirelessly (also called a fellow-to-peer ad-hoc wireless network), it is simple to share knowledge involving the computers. You can create an ad-hoc network in Windows or in OS X as well as in this post I’ll describe the methods for creating the community for each OS. It’s important to remember that ad-hoc networks, in general, have specific limits that produce them only ideal for certain conditions. Firstly, the pace of an ad-hoc network is generally less than that of a typical infrastructure network. Ad-hoc network specs just need a max speed of 11Mbps, which will be way slower than w/g/n/ac max speeds.

Secondly, you can’t monitor the signal strength of ad hoc networks, which means you have to ensure the computers are fairly near to each other and don’t move a great deal. Lastly, ad hoc networks don’t service most of the safety attributes of typical structure systems, for them to become more easily compromised.

Establishing an ad hoc Network

This training will be created for Windows 7. However, you can follow the exact same guidelines for Windows8 and Windows Vista. To begin with, open the Control Panel and select Network and Sharing Center.

Around the next dialogue, click on the Setup a fresh relationship or network link towards the bottom.

On the next screen, it’ll clarify exactly what an ad-hoc wireless network is and can inform you that if you’re currently connected to a radio network, you’ll probably get disconnected. Go ahead and click Next.

Now you’ve to offer the system a brand, choose a security type and provide it a security key. For your safety key, you can choose from just three options: no validation, WEP or WPA2-Private. The default is WPA2-Particular, which will be the best. Press next and you’ll get a screen showing you the system has been setup. Observe that should you don’t examine the Save this network box, once you disconnect in the random network, it’ll simply disappear. If you prefer to utilise it again, you’ll begin with a scratch.

Congrats, you’ve completed the initial element! Go ahead and open your listing of wireless networks and you ought to see your newly created one listed combined with remaining wireless networks. Select it to attach.

Copy the files to a USB memory drive: this device acts much like a hard drive and plugs into the USB port of your laptop. Memory drives can store much more information than a floppy disk and are also considerably faster.

In your particular case, Windows 2000 should have no problems detecting the memory drive without having to install a driver.

Transfer the files over a network: this will require a bit of technical know-how to setup, but is good practice and will save you time because you won’t need an intermediate medium to transfer your files. There are a number of ways to go about doing this:

beerParents of teenage children have many thoughts when it comes to underage drinking. Some of those ideas are based on fact, and some are simply myth. Raising teens is a difficult job made harder by peer and societal pressures. As a parent, having the facts can be helpful when you are trying to impart life lessons to your children. Here’s what you need to know about teens and alcohol.

More Teens Consume Alcohol Than You Think

If you ask parents, they believe that teens drink, but at far lower rates than is reality. According to the Institute of Medicine National Research Council of the National Academies, one in six teenagers binge drink. This is a stark difference in the one in 100 teens that parents believe binge drink.

Alcohol Kills More Than All Illegal Drugs Combined

When teens and alcohol are combined, 4,700 people are killed each year. That is 4,700 families that are negatively affected by a child’s decision to consume alcohol.

One-Quarter of Car Accidents Involve Alcohol

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death of teenagers. Approximately one-quarter of those collisions are caused by a driver who has consumed alcohol prior to reaching the age of 21.

Young Drinkers Are At Risk of Collision

When a child begins to drink at an early age, they are seven times more likely than others to be involved in a crash that can be attributed to alcohol.

High School Drop Outs

High school is a stressful time for any teenager. Teens who consume alcohol are five times as likely as their peers to drop out of high school, profoundly affecting the rest of their lives.

Drinking by 10th Grade

According to the Ann Arbor Institute for Social Research, half of all 10th grade student admit to drinking alcohol. The average age of a 10th grader? 15.

You know your child better than anyone, but you should never assume that your teen is not drinking. By the time your child is in high school, there is a 50% chance that he or she has at least tried an alcoholic beverage, if not binge drinking or consuming alcohol on a regular basis.

If you do not want your child to drink alcohol, tell them so. The conversation should be one that every parent of a teenager has. Teach your child the facts and help ensure their safety and the safety of others.

If your teen has been charged with an alcohol-related crime, an experienced attorney can fight for your rights. Call us now so we can review your case. We are here for you and your family now.

shutterstock_357604985As criminal defense attorneys, we speak with clients and potential clients on a daily basis. We have heard thousands of questions, and many have been asked repeatedly. There are things that most people wonder after being charged with a crime and taken into custody. This is especially true of people who have never been arrested before.

Being charged with a crime is a stressful event. Whether or not you have actually committed the crime, you could be in for months or years of dealing with the criminal justice system. Here are some of the questions that we hear most often.

1. Should I just plead guilty and avoid a trial?

In many cases, it is not a good idea for people to plead guilty simply to avoid a trial. Pleading guilty can be beneficial if the case against you is strong and you have been offered a deal, but otherwise, it can be one of the biggest mistakes of your life. When a person has been charged with a crime, they should at least consult with a criminal defense attorney before they make any decisions that could have serious consequences.

2. Can I trust a public defender?

It is a reality that not everyone can afford an attorney. In some cases, a person is assigned a public defender. These professionals have a stigma of being “less” than an attorney that people pay for out-of-pocket. Most public defenders are very bright attorneys who provide excellent service to their clients. If a person determines that the public defender assigned to them is not working to their best of their ability, the defendant may request a new attorney. But, because public defenders have so many cases and not a lot of time for yours, it may be best to hire a private attorney if at all possible.

3. Can I get a new lawyer after I already hired one?

A criminal defense attorney who you have hired is working for you. If you don’t feel as though they are doing their best, you can certainly fire them and find a new attorney. This should only be done after careful consideration. Firing an attorney midway through your case could be detrimental. Firing an attorney after a case has begun should only be done in few instances.

4. When will I be presented with my charges?

When you have been taken into custody, the prosecutor generally has 72 hours to file your charges. In some jurisdictions, this must happen even faster. It is important to know that your original charges may change after a preliminary hearing.

It’s not unusual to have questions after being arrested. The worst thing you can do is put your head in the sand and ignore the situation. Most attorneys will offer a free initial consultation and answer questions that you have. Take advantage of these free consultations and get more information.

If you have been arrested for a crime in Orlando, reach out to our team of criminal defense attorneys. We will review the details of your arrest and help you determine the best way to move forward with your defense. Call our office today and schedule an appointment for a free case evaluation. You may also choose to browse our website for more information about our firm and the types of cases we have successfully handled.

shutterstock_111443777When a police officer suspects that a minor has violated the law in some way, that minor can be arrested and charged with a crime. Other options include being issued a citation or being held in custody until they can be released to their parent or guardian. Typically, these instances can be fairly straightforward and easy to resolve.

In other cases, matters become more complicated. This is true when the minor committed a crime because they were encouraged to do so or aided by an adult. When this type of crime is suspected, Lucky Patcher Apk for Android, both the minor and the adult may be arrested. Being charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor is serious and should not be brushed off.

Contributing to the Delinquency

According to Florida law, contributing to child delinquency is defined as engaging in an act that causes or encourages a child to become delinquent. This includes any act which results in the child committing a crime. It doesn’t matter if the adult threatened, coerced or ordered the child to become delinquent. It includes enticing a child to become in need of service. “Child in need of services” is defined as:

  • Running away from home;
  • Become truant despite efforts to remedy the situation; or
  • Disobeying a reasonable and lawful request.

The most common examples of contributing to the delinquency of a child include permitting a teenager to have sexual relations with a boyfriend or girlfriend in the home, providing alcohol or drugs to a teenager, and recruiting minors to package or sell drugs.

While children may be considered old enough to understand that they are breaking the law and will be charged accordingly, the adult in the situation often faces far stiffer penalties.

Penalties for Child Delinquency

When an adult is convicted of contributing to child delinquency in Florida, they face a variety of consequences, ranging from fines to jail time. The law considers this crime to be a misdemeanor of the first degree. An adult convicted of the crime may be sentenced to probation or jail for up to one year. Possible additional penalties include court costs, restitution and community service.

In addition to the penalties imposed by the court, contributing to child delinquency can serve to stigmatize the convicted adult. It may restrict the adult’s ability to interact with their own children and children in the community. In some cases, it can affect licensure required for employment.

Because the penalties and consequences can be severe and far reaching, it is strongly recommended that any adult charged with this crime seek the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney. If you have been charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor in Florida, call our office. A member of our team will help you schedule an appointment for a free case evaluation.

Do not fight these charges on your own. A negative outcome could impact your ability to maintain or secure employment, your financial status and your freedom. We are here to help you. Call us for assistance today.

One of the things that a parent may dread the most is learning that their teenager has been arrested and charged with a crime. If this happens to you, chances are high that your first instinct will be to hire an attorney. This is the right idea, but choosing an attorney to represent your child must be done with care. Here are tips on finding the right lawyer for your teen.

1. Find a Criminal Lawyer

You can find any number of lawyers online or in the phone book. You should be aware that not all of these lawyers are well-versed in criminal law. You don’t want to hire a lawyer that deals in personal injury cases to represent your teenager who has been charged with a crime. The first thing you should look for is an attorney who specializes in criminal law.

2. Geographic Area

You may find a fantastic lawyer in another part of the state, but you want to look for one who is familiar with the local court system. The attorney that you choose to represent your teenager should have a working knowledge of the ins and outs of the court in the geographic area in which your teen was arrested.

3. Communication

Communication is key when you are working with an attorney. If you call and can’t seem to get a call back or the attorney seems disinterested or hurried, assume that that is the way you will continue to be treated and look elsewhere.

4. Honesty

Of course you want to hear that your child’s charges will be dropped and everything will turn out in a positive way, but you want an attorney who will tell you the truth. No attorney can promise results. The attorney you choose should be able to give you a realistic picture of what you can expect but not guarantee a certain outcome.

5. Cost

People assume that the best lawyers are the most expensive lawyers. This is not always the case. Cost should be considered with the factors above. Don’t forego an attorney that is more affordable because you think they must not be a good lawyer.

When your child is arrested for a crime in Orlando and you need an attorney, call our office. A member of our team will speak with you at no cost and advise you of your options. Call today for more information about how we can assist you.

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Domestic violence, or domestic battery, is the assault or unlawful touching of a person who can be legally classified as a household or family member. Domestic violence is prosecuted harshly throughout the state, and penalties exceed that of “regular” assaults. Here are some frequently asked questions about the crime.

How is domestic violence defined?

Under Florida law, the crime occurs when you intentionally touch or strike another person without their consent. It also occurs when you intentionally cause bodily harm to another person. That person must be legally defined as a member of your household or family.

Who can be defined as family or household members?

Under 741.28 in the Florida Statutes, wives, husbands, ex-spouses, those related to you by blood or marriage, any individual living with you as family, those who have resided with you as family in the past, and any person with whom you have a child in common fits the definition.

What are the penalties for domestic violence?

When you are convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence, you may be subject to up to one year in jail or 12 months of probation. You may also be required to pay $1,000 in fines. There are additional mandatory penalties due to the nature of the crime. These include five days of jail, completion of an intervention program, community service hours, a no contact order, and the loss of some civil liberties.

Can a domestic violence charge be expunged?

If you are charged with domestic violence in the state of Florida, it is impossible to have your record expunged. Florida statute says that anyone charged with the crime is ineligible to have their record expunged or sealed. If you plead to the charge, it will follow you for life. There are no exceptions.

How can the charge be defended against?

It is never advisable to defend yourself in court, but it is an especially poor decision if you have been charged with domestic violence. Some common defenses include self-defense, defense of others, and stand your ground. There are other possible defenses depending upon the facts of your case.

If you have been arrested for domestic violence, contact our offices as soon as possible. We have experienced attorneys who are ready to fight for you in court. Contact us now so that we can review the facts of your case and give you advice as how to proceed. Initial consultations are always free. Call now.

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You are driving down the road and all of a sudden see lights and hear sirens coming up behind you. Your stomach drops when you realize those lights and sirens are for you. It’s something that happens to people everyday on roadways across America. For some, the stop ends in a warning. For others, it ends in what could very well be a violation of civil rights.

Many people hold the misconception that police can search their vehicle simply because they have been stopped. This is not true. The police do not have an automatic right to search your vehicle in most cases. Here are four instances when the police can legally search the passenger compartment of your car:

  • There is reason to believe that there is evidence relating to the traffic stop in the vehicle.
  • There are weapons in the vehicle.
  • The officer believes that the vehicle may be used as a means of escape.
  • The vehicle is believed to contain illegally possessed items.

The search must be limited to the areas in which the officer reasonably expects to find the items they are looking for.

For example, if you are frisked after you exit the vehicle and the officer finds you to be in possession of something illegal, the officer may have reason to search your vehicle. If, on the other hand, you are frisked, nothing is found and you are put in the back of a patrol car, the officer has no basis for a search.

You do not need to give a police officer permission to search your car. This tactic is often used when the officer does not have enough information to conduct an automatic search. Saying “no” to a police officer is easier said than done, but you are well within your rights to do so.

If you have been charged with a criminal offense in Orlando, you need experienced representation. Call our office today for a free consultation. We will review the facts of your case and advise you of your options. Call now or browse our website for information about how we can assist you.

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DUI is a one of the most common reasons for arrest in Florida. The laws and penalties regarding DUI are strict in Florida as they are in other states. Many people wonder how breath or blood tests work to determine alcohol in the system and question whether they should submit to these and other sobriety tests. The answer is a complex one. In the state of Florida the law stipulates that you submit to taking a breath or blood test if asked to do so by law enforcement. Failure to submit to these tests could result in separate penalties including the suspension of your driver’s license.


BAC or blood alcohol content is the percentage of alcohol that is in your bloodstream. Those over the age of 21 are considered DUI if they have a BAC of 0.08% or higher.

  • 0.02% – Relaxed, minor loss of judgment impaired multi-functioning, lowered visual tracking.
  • 0.05% – Lowered inhibitions, reduced alertness, some loss of small muscle control, some impairment of judgment.
  • 0.08% – Reduced muscle coordination, impaired judgment and reasoning abilities, inability to focus, memory loss (short-term).
  • 0.10% – Slurred speech, inability to coordinate and think, visual impairments, lowered reaction times, false sense of control.
  • 0.15% – Greatly lowered muscle control, vomiting, loss of balance, substantial impairment (reaction times, processing).

According to these figures you can easily see that driving after the consumption of any alcohol is driving impaired.

Submitting to a Breathalyzer or Blood Test

The decision to submit to a breathalyzer test should be made by you and you alone. There are some things to consider when determining whether to take the test. Think about how many drinks you have consumed and over what period of time.

Some of the considerations include:

  • Amount of alcohol consumed
  • Period of time alcohol is consumed
  • Weight and body mass of the individual

In general, you may be able to calculate your own BAC based on these factors. For example, if you have only consumed one 12 ounce glass of beer over a two hour period it is safe to say that your BAC is under the legal limit. However, keep in mind that even if you pass a breathalyzer test you may still be arrested for DUI if you are driving erratically and exhibiting obvious signs of DUI. Remember that if you have had anything to drink your thinking is impaired and you may feel less drunk than you actually are. If you are quite sure that you are under the legal limit you may want to take the breathalyzer test. On the other hand, if you feel that you are over the legal limit you may want to refuse the test, no matter the consequences.

Defending DUI

No matter what the results of your breathalyzer, rest assured that with the help of an experienced DUI attorney you can fight the charges. Your attorney will review the circumstances around your arrest as well as how the breathalyzer test was given. There are also some important things your attorney will review about the way the results of your breath test were analyzed. Sobriety tests are not foolproof – in fact, they are often found to be incorrect. This factor, along with others in your case, will help your attorney defend you against the serious DUI charges.

shutterstock_172116212You and your friends go out to the bar and consume a few too many adult beverages. You know that it isn’t safe to drive home, but you don’t have money for a cab. You are considering walking home, but you have heard of public intoxication laws and you are worried that you will be arrested for walking. Here’s more information about these laws to help you make the best decision the next time around.

Appearing in a Public Place

Some states have laws that prohibit public intoxication in a public place. This may include a sidewalk, stadium or park. In some states, restaurants and bars are also included on the list of public places. Knowing what constitutes a public place is important in understanding these laws.

Under the Influence

To be considered intoxicated, you must be under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or a controlled substance. Public intoxication is not charged if the person is found to be under the influence of prescription medication. Most states do not require the proof of a chemical test when it comes to public intoxication. In many instances, an officer’s testimony is enough.

Disturbance or Harm

Contrary to what many people believe, you will not be charged with public intoxication for simply walking down the sidewalk. You must be posing a risk of danger or harm to yourself  or others. This means that you must be unable to walk steadily, are causing some type of disturbance with other people, or are threatening a physical altercation. These are just a few examples of what it means to be causing a disturbance. Like your level of intoxication, what constitutes a disturbance is subject to interpretation by law enforcement.

If you have been charged with public intoxication or another crime in Orlando, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney fighting by your side. Call our office today for more information about our firm and to schedule an appointment for a free case evaluation. We will review the details of your arrest and advise you of the options available to you under local and state law.

tablet-with-the-chemical-formula-of-fentanyl-drugs-and-narcoticsPrince, the music icon, died in the spring. Later, it was learned that he overdosed on the drug Fentanyl. Like Prince before them, hundreds of people have lost their lives in recent months due to the drug. The opioid painkiller is taking the lives of many, and most don’t have a prescription. But what is Fentanyl?

What is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is an opioid painkiller that has become the number one choice of doctors. It first appeared in the 1960s, called Sublimaze. It was used as a cancer treatment, first as a transdermal patch. The drug is fast acting, and many doctors used it in combination with other medications. Eventually, doctors began using the drug in its other forms: lozenge, nasal spray, injection and pill.

Today, Fentanyl has made its way to the streets. Because of its misuse, it has been causing the deaths of addicts and non-addicts, including children. On the street, Fentanyl is known as “the bomb,” “magic,” “fake heroin” and “fingers.” More now than ever before, Fentanyl is being used to cut other street drugs, particularly heroin.

Symptoms of Fentanyl Overdose

The symptoms of a Fentanyl overdose are much like those seen in a heroin overdose. They include:

  • Seizures
  • Clammy skin
  • Drowsiness
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Low blood pressure
  • Slowed heartbeat
  • Shallow breathing

Narcan can be used to deactivate the effects of Fentanyl. Naloxone can also be used, but may have to be given in several doses due to Fentanyl’s potency.

Supply and Demand

Once Fentanyl-laced heroin overdoses began making news, demand grew. In exactly the opposite of what law enforcement expected, addicts flocked to dealers who were known to sell laced heroin, wanting the stronger drug. This has led to a vicious cycle of deaths.

Fentanyl is showing no signs of moving off the streets. If you or a loved one are addicted to heroin or other street drugs, please seek help. Fentanyl is an incredibly dangerous drug that is taking lives by the hundreds.

If you have been arrested for a drug crime in Orlando, call our team of criminal defense attorneys. A member of our team will help you schedule an appointment for a free case evaluation at which we will advise you of your options. Call now for assistance or browse our website for more information about our firm and the types of cases we handle.

One of the first questions we get when we talk to a prospective client who has been charged with DUI is, “Could I have refused the breath test?” The simple answer is, “Yes.” The more complicated answer follows.

When you are pulled over and suspected of driving under the influence, there are two standard tests that police will ask you to perform. One is the field sobriety test (physical coordination) and the other is a chemical test (blood, breath or urine). You are within your legal right to refuse to take the field tests as they are considered voluntary, however, current Florida law requires that you take a chemical test if requested, if the officer has probable cause to believe you were driving under the influence. Refusing a chemical test could have consequences, including another criminal charge.

Implied Consent

When you sign your driver’s license, you are giving implied consent. In other words, you are stating that if you are pulled over and suspected of DUI, you will perform the chemical tests that are asked of you. It does not mean, however, that you cannot refuse to do so. What it does mean is that if you change your mind and refuse, you can be charged with an additional crime.


If you choose to refuse to take the test, you may face more severe penalties than if you had agreed to take the test. The penalties you can reasonably expect to face include a license suspension, fine, jail time and the required use of an interlock ignition device. The prosecution will attempt to use your refusal as evidence that you “must have” been intoxicated. Why would you have refused otherwise?

In Florida, you face a one year license suspension for your first refusal. A second or third refusal will have your license suspended for 18 months. Of course, an experienced attorney may be able to fight these penalties for you depending on the unique circumstances surrounding your arrest.

If you have been charged with DUI in Orlando, call our team of experienced attorneys. We will review the details of your stop and arrest and advise you of the options available to you. Your first consultation with our office is free. Call now or browse our website for more information about our firm and how we can assist you.

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Many people understand that threatening the life of the President is a crime. It doesn’t matter if it takes place in person or on a social networking site like Facebook. It is considered a serious threat, and all such threats are investigated. The President isn’t the only one protected from such threats, however; the general public is as well.

Cyber threats are considered very serious. A federal law makes it illegal to threaten to hurt another person, even if that threat is online. The same law covers threats made by email and through the U.S. Postal Service. States have similar laws. If you are convicted of making such threats, you could be fined or sent to jail, maybe even both.

Reporting Threats

You generally have no requirement to report threats that you see online. Though you have no legal obligation to report such crimes, you may have a moral obligation to do so. If you are surfing the Internet and come across any criminal plans or suspicious activity, call 911.

Alternatively, you can report such crimes or activities to the Federal Bureau of Investigation by contacting your local field office. You can also file a complain with the Internet Crime Complain Center.

Think Twice

It is easy to sit behind a computer screen and post musings while you are angry or upset. Instead of doing this, stand up and walk away. You could be breaking federal and state laws by what you are saying online. If you do need to get it all out, write it down on paper, then destroy that paper.

Anonymity is assumed online but it is rarely the case. Your IP address is traceable, and an enterprising individual can easily figure out who you really are and where you are located. Sending threats via email or participating in cyber bullying is never a wise move. You don’t want law enforcement officialshttp 192.168 o 1.1 admin knocking on your door asking you to answer for your behavior.

Legal Advice

In some instances, you may want to seek legal advice before you report criminal activity. You may be worried that you will not be able to remain anonymous or that you are crying wolf. An attorney experienced in cyber crimes can guide you and help you make the determination to report or not to report what you have discovered.

Posting on social media is a daily occurrence for many people, and those postings rarely have any threatening nature to them. In some cases, however, people take to social media to vent their anger and frustrations. If this is you, we urge you to think twice before you post. A general rule of thumb is this: If you wouldn’t approach a person and verbalize your thoughts, don’t post it online.

If you are arrested for criminal activity in Orlando, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side. Call our team of attorneys today and schedule an appointment for a free case evaluation. We will review the details of your arrest and advise you of your legal options. Call now or browse our website for more information about our firm and the types of cases we handle.