Orlando White Collar Crime Lawyer

White-collar crimes are designed to obtain money by illegal means.

Some are tried in state courts, but many are federal crimes punishable in federal court.

If you’re charged with one, you need experienced and committed legal representation right away.

orlando white collar crime attorney

The attorneys with Katz & Phillips, P.A. have successfully defended clients against white-collar criminal charges.

We know the factors that might make a difference when your case is presented to a judge and jury.

We always try to get the charges against you dropped, but at the very least, we’ll try to have the charges against you reduced.

Whether you’ve been charged or if you think the state might be looking your way or investigating you for one of these serious crimes, call our firm today for a consultation with one of our skilled attorneys.

The sooner we begin working on your case, the greater our chances of a successful outcome.

Cases Where an Orlando White Collar Crime Defense Attorney Can Help

Antitrust violations

Some violations that are commonly charged as antitrust violations include:

These are complex actions that can involve numerous individuals.

Federal officials generally spend considerable time researching and investigating these violations prior to charging someone.

When a federal agency determines that a business has illegally attempted to control market share by failing to allow open competition, the company and its principals may be charged with antitrust violations.

If your business or executives are facing these charges, contact an Orlando federal crimes defense attorney for immediate help to safeguard your company.

Katz & Phillips, P.A. can take an aggressive and resourceful approach to defend against the charge you are facing, to protect you and your business and reputation.

Contact our firm today to find out what actions must be taken immediately. Call (321) 332-0430 today.

Bank fraud

Federal charges could change your life forever if you don’t protect yourself from prosecution with the help of an attorney.

Bank fraud is charged federally and considered a “white collar” crime. Those convicted of bank fraud could be facing up to a $1,000,000 fine and up to 30 years in prison.

The following offenses are types of bank fraud:

  • Identity theft
  • Check fraud
  • Counterfeiting
  • Mortgage fraud
  • Loan fraud

At Katz & Phillips, P.A., our attorneys will help overcome bank fraud charges. In some cases, we may be able to get the charges dropped or lessened drastically.

It takes skilled legal experience specific to federal cases to bring a successful case outcome.

Your future and your life are worth contacting an attorney from our firm. We always keep our clients updated and informed on their cases and our attorneys will be helpful and determined regarding your case.

A case consultation can help you tremendously and initial consultations are free.

Credit card fraud defense

When you make a charge on a credit card that’s not yours, it’s fraud. You’re deceiving both the owner of the account and the credit card company.

If you do this twice in a six-month period and you charge no more than $100 (total), it’s a first-degree misdemeanor under Florida law.

orlando white collar credit card fraud lawyer

However, if you make charges more than twice within six months, or if the cost to the lender and to the credit card holder is more than $100, you’re looking at a third-degree felony.

That’s a big jump and isn’t something you should try to work out on your own.

There may be extenuating circumstances and the situation really isn’t as it appears on the surface to law enforcement officials.

What if your boyfriend gave you carte blanche with his credit card, then you broke up?

He could claim that the transactions you made were fraudulent. Even if you believed that you had permission to use a credit card and it turns out you didn’t, you could be charged with committing credit card fraud.

At Katz & Phillips, P.A., we know how easily these situations can get out of hand and how the legal repercussions can ruin your future.

Forgery defense

Florida law defines forgery as falsely making, altering, forging, or counterfeiting documents ranging from a check for payment to an insurance policy to a property deed.

Although it’s considered a white-collar crime, that doesn’t mean it’s not serious.

In Florida, forgery is a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five years in jail and up to a $5,000 fine.

If and when someone presses charges against you or the state becomes aware of your action, the prosecutor will try to prove that you acted maliciously when you altered the document you are accused of tampering with.

The lawyers at Katz & Phillips, P.A. will work hard to prevent that from happening.

Such problems can easily happen to any one of us, and we will give you and your case the respect you deserve.

Fraud defense

Fraud can involve credit cards, the Internet, or the postal service. It includes forgery, embezzlement, and racketeering.

Unlike some crimes, such as DUI, arrests for fraud generally don’t happen because a law enforcement officer caught you in the act.

Instead, they’re the result of months of intensive investigation. Fraud is not a charge you should think of defending on your own. Your defense must be as in-depth as the case against you.

If you haven’t been arrested or charged yet but you believe an arrest might be imminent, call the attorneys with Katz & Phillips, P.A. so we can get to work on your behalf immediately.

Identify theft defense

Identity theft is the act of pretending to be someone else, particularly for monetary gain.

If you use someone else’s Social Security number to apply for an auto loan, you can be charged with identity theft.

If you make purchases online with someone else’s credit card number, you can be charged with identity theft.

If you are facing criminal charges for identity theft, you need an experienced attorney to tackle your defense and prove your innocence.

You need a lawyer who can creatively and aggressively work past the prosecutor’s presumption that you are guilty.

Insurance fraud defense

Insurance fraud occurs when someone receives payment from an insurance company for fraudulent reasons.

There’s a wide variety of insurance fraud that occurs on a yearly basis – in some cases, it could be exaggerating a claim to get more than the claim is actually worth, or it could even be causing a staged car accident to get the insurance money.

Insurance fraud costs large companies millions of dollars every year, which is why law enforcement officers are so insistent on cracking down on those they believe to be fraudulent.

Unfortunately, this can lead to many people suffering from charges for crimes that they did not commit.

At Katz & Phillips, P.A., we’re prepared to help you defend your legal rights.

Just because an insurance company doesn’t want to pay, doesn’t mean that you should be accused of insurance fraud.

Mail fraud defense

It’s a crime to take money from someone by fraudulent means, but if you involve the United States Postal Service in the transaction, charges of fraud escalate to a federal crime.

When you’re charged with a federal offense such as mail fraud, it’s not the time to think about representing yourself or using a public defender.

The risks are simply too great – you may be looking at spending nearly half your life in jail.

You need the best, most experienced, and most qualified legal representation you can find.

Our attorneys have handled federal criminal charges many times before. We’ll use our experience to fight the charges against you.

Money laundering defense

Money laundering is a federal crime that is vigorously investigated and prosecuted by federal authorities.

The activities that produced the illegally obtained money are also generally a crime, and will also be prosecuted separately.

We understand that many individuals affected by money laundering charges know nothing about this type of crime and will need personal and dedicated legal representation throughout this difficult time.

Contact our firm to get the help you need.

RICO defense

Florida’s RICO statutes allow prosecutors to include old crimes with more recent infractions so that you might risk spending up to 20 years in prison if convicted.

RICO is a complex statute that isn’t easily understood by many criminal defense attorneys.

If you’re facing a RICO charge, you need a criminal defense law firm that’s experienced at sorting through the factors and finding possible defenses that can make a difference. Katz & Phillips, P.A. is one of those firms.

We’ve successfully represented individuals facing RICO charges.

The sooner we get involved to  fight your charges, the greater your odds of a successful result become.

Tax fraud defense

There are many different things that are legally considered to be tax fraud.

These can include falsely representing income that was not earned, hiding away assets, reporting deductions more than you are owed, and reporting personal expenses as business expenses.

These cases are complex and require the ability to wade through an immense amount of paperwork.

An attorney handling the case must have an eye for detail and be able to put in the amount of elbow grease that these cases typically require.

How we can help

Obtaining qualified and aggressive representation from Katz & Phillips, P.A. can go far toward developing a strong defense on your behalf.

We think outside the box, and we’ll work hard to come up with strategies and a defense that can possibly exonerate you.

If you’ve been charged, it’s not too late for us to make a difference.

We will aggressively build a case that can make a difference between the worst penalties or reduced charges, and possibly even dismissal of the charges against you.

We’re not intimidated by the federal court system, and we’ll tackle it on your behalf to get you the best possible outcome.

Get Katz & Phillips, P.A. as Your Orlando White Collar Crime Defense Law Firm

At Katz & Phillips, P.A., we know that these cases are complicated, so we’re fully devoted to ensuring that our clients are completely defended.

Call us as soon as possible, preferably before charges are leveled against you.

If charges have already been filed, it’s not too late. We’ll meet with you and evaluate your situation so we can come up with the best possible defense.

To schedule your consultation, call (321) 332-0430.


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