How Can I Get My Conviction Record Sealed?

Those who have been convicted of a crime may end up having difficulty with future employment. Today, conviction records are becoming more accessible online to almost anyone with a computer. In order to maintain your privacy you may wonder how you can have your conviction sealed. First, there are two main ways to keep your record private – through sealing the record or through an expungement. An expungement  virtually erases your record and is usually more difficult to accomplish than simply sealing your record. You can usually get the same result by getting your record sealed rather than through an expungement.

Sealing a Criminal Record

Sealing a criminal record means that your arrest and conviction information will be kept private. Your record won’t be completely eliminated and it will still be accessible by law enforcement and other government bodies when required. But sealing your record may very well achieve the result you’re looking for. Most people want to make sure that others are unable to access their information. In order to get your record sealed you’ll need to petition the court. Not all those who petition for sealing of a criminal record are granted. If you want to improve the chances of ruling in your favor you’ll want to be sure to have your case handled by a defense attorney with experience in this area.

Who Can View Your Criminal Record

Almost anyone can find out or view your criminal record through various means online. It can be beneficial to you to have your record as limited as possible to outside viewers. Just because your record may be sealed, however, doesn’t mean that it’s not visible to certain parties. For example, if you’re applying for a government job or a job with a school district, they may have access to your record, even if it’s sealed. Additionally, other bodies of law enforcement will also be able to view your sealed record. A sealed record will be more difficult, if not impossible, for members of the general public to see. Before making a decision to move forward with a petition you’ll want to discuss the reasons you want the record sealed with your attorney, who will be able to advise you as to all your possible options.

How to Have Your Record Sealed

The first step in potentially having your record sealed is to petition the court. While you can accomplish this yourself, it is best handled through your lawyer. Once the court agrees to hear your case your lawyer will work to present the reasons why your record should be sealed. In many cases, a sealed record may help you get a job – many employers review these types of records regularly. However, keep in mind that some employers ask potential employees whether they have been convicted of a felony. It’s often helpful to have your record sealed as a way to move forward in your life. A sealed record will help you in all areas of your life as you try to put your conviction behind you.