When someone is convicted of a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) offense in Florida, that person faces serious repercussions, including completing a licensed DUI program (“DUI School”).
These licensed programs allow drivers convicted of DUI to learn about the dangers of driving while intoxicated, understand the impact excessive alcohol consumption can have on a person, and seek alternatives to driving while impaired.
As Board Certified DUI Defense Experts, Katz & Phillips, P.A. is here to advocate on your behalf. Attending a DUI course is one of many steps a person has to take to overcome the challenges of a DUI offense, and our attorneys are here to help.
The length of a DUI course depends on the nature of the offense.
Class types are split into two levels: Level I and Level II. The time spent engaging in a DUI course ranges from 12-21 hours. Below is a breakdown of each class type and the duration.
In a Florida DUI Level I course, drivers must attend 12 hours of class instruction, which includes an evaluation of the driver’s history of substance abuse, a physiological evaluation, and a general discussion about the dangers of substance abuse and driving.
Florida also requires drivers convicted of DUI to pay their course fees. Level I applicants must pay $333.50 if registering online or $316 for signing up in person.
In a Florida DUI Level II course, drivers must attend 21 hours of class instruction. Students are required to interact with the materials focusing on the issues of alcohol and driving. Level II classes are limited to 15 participants and address repeat offenders.
Furthermore, the course curriculum typically includes information about substance abuse treatment because many repeat offenders must also attend mandatory substance abuse treatment.
Level II classes cost $488 for online registration and $466 for in-office signups. It’s important to note that costs can escalate due to reassignment or a need for additional courses.
After being charged and convicted of a DUI offense, a driver must complete a mandatory DUI program as state law requires.
Depending on the course, drivers that attend a class can expect to learn about the dangers of driving under the influence through lectures, classroom instruction, and classroom participation.
Drivers enrolled in these courses are expected to engage with the materials and each other in order to pass the course. It’s not enough to just attend the course and stare into space – you need to make an effort to engage and understand the material.
The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) has provided licenses to a network of DUI programs across the state.
FLHSMV provides instructor certification, investigates program complaints, evaluates program effectiveness, and regulates DUI program curricula throughout Florida.
When registering for a DUI course, courts typically require the driver to sign for a course in the county of their residence.
When registering for a course, the driver usually needs the following items:
All DUI offenses in Florida require the driver to attend a licensed DUI program class, but course attendance is typically not the only repercussion of a DUI offense.
Other forms of punishment can include:
Katz & Phillips, P.A. specializes in DUI defense and are expert DUI attorneys in Orlando, Florida. Our attorneys can help drivers understand their rights when addressing DUI offenses, including the requirements for a DUI course.
For more information about DUI courses and other issues related to a DUI offense, please contact us or call us at (321) 332-0430.
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