If you have been stopped for a traffic violation, the police officer may ask you to perform field sobriety tests. Field sobriety tests provide officers with a way to assess the possibility or likelihood of driving while intoxicated or impaired. The officer may ask you to step out of the vehicle if has any reason to think that you may be impaired. These tests are administered as a preliminary step, prior to a DUI arrest.
There are a wide variety of field sobriety tests. The tests are used randomly by law enforcement. These tests are performed at the location of the traffic stop, typically at the side of the road.
Florida has an implied consent law in place. Implied consent means that you must submit to a DUI test if requested to do so by a member of law enforcement. Implied consent applies to formal DUI testing such as a breathalyzer test, blood test, or urine test. Implied consent does not apply to field sobriety tests. However, in many cases the officer may already have some reasons to believe that the driver is impaired. If the driver does not agree to the field tests the officer may skip this step and can put the driver under arrest for suspicion of DUI. Once in custody, the driver will then be given formal DUI tests.
If you have been charged with DUI it is important to know that you have the opportunity to fight these charges. A DUI conviction carries penalties as well as points on your driver’s license. It is best to seek help from an experienced DUI attorney quickly after the occurrence. Your attorney will examine all the information regarding your case and present the best possible defense. Contact your lawyer as soon as possible for the best outcome.
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