What Should I Do If I’ve Been Charged with a Sex Crime?




What Should I Do If I’ve Been Charged with a Sex Crime?

Sex crimes are considered serious types of crimes. However, there are varying crimes that carry different types of penalties. The first thing you must do if charged with a sex crime is to seek immediate help from an experienced defense attorney try with facetime android. Some people are tempted to try to defend themselves in these types of situations and generally, they are not successful. You’ll get the best representation and the best chance of success by hiring a lawyer with a lot of experience in the area of sex crime defense. If convicted of a sex crime you may be subject to harsh penalties including jail time, fines, and having to register as a sex offender. This can have a negative impact on the rest of your life.

What to Do When Arrested

If you’ve been arrested the first thing that will occur is a hearing. This first hearing is an appearance in front of a judge. The judge will review your case and will provide you with your official charges. The judge will also set your bail at this time. The amount of money that is set for bail depends on many factors. The crime itself carries a recommended bail. Other factors will come into play as well including such things as:

  • Prior arrest record
  • Additional crimes committed
  • Severity of the crime
  • Community standing and employment

Sex crimes are generally considered very harmful crimes. If the crime was allegedly against a minor child the charges and potential penalties will be more severe. An attorney should represent you at the first hearing. In many cases your lawyer will be able to have the charges lowered and the bail reduced. You should refuse to speak to officials until your attorney is present.

Defending Sex Crime Charges

Sex crimes are often very embarrassing and therefore some people simply don’t try to provide a defense against them. You should always work to defend your rights in every case – this is your right as a U. S. citizen. Your attorney will begin by reviewing all aspects of the crime. The lawyer will discuss your case and the events surrounding your arrest. Additionally, it is important for the attorney to look at any evidence against you and to interview any witnesses. Many times the case against you may not be as strong as law enforcement wants you to believe. If anything was done improperly it may not be used against you in your case. For this reason a thorough investigation of your situation is needed to determine the best defense moving forward.

What Will Happen to Me?

After your arrest on sex crime charges you will be taken to jail until your initial hearing, also called an arraignment. This typically occurs within a day or two after your arrest. During this time your bail has not yet been set so you will be unable to get out of jail. In order to get the best possible results you should contact an attorney as soon as possible. The sooner the lawyer gets involved the better the chances will be of a successful defense. An arrest for this type of crime can be a very stressful time for you and for your family. A knowledgeable lawyer will help guide you through the legal process and will help to ease the stress involved with your situation. Rest assured that your attorney will do everything possible to provide the best possible defense in your situation.



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