In an ugly world, even the most innocent of touches or gestures may seem sinister in the eyes of another. If someone claims that you have sexually molested a child, you need immediate help from an experienced legal professional who knows the ropes regarding this type of crime. The ramifications of conviction include not only severe legal penalties but a stain to your reputation that may never go away. People will look at you differently. Old friends will pull away from you and new friends will not want you anywhere near their children. If you are convicted and go to prison, you will be looked at as the worst of many in a place that already houses society’s wrongdoers. It is vitally important that you try to stop a charge of child molestation in its tracks, before it even gets started.
The attorneys at Katz & Phillips know what’s at stake for you. If you reach out to us for help, we will do everything in our power to keep the worst from happening to you. We will fight for you against prosecutors who will badly want to convict you, whether you are guilty or not. You need focused legal help; and we can provide that.
If you think you might want to try to handle this on your own, here is an example of the sentencing you would be facing. In 2005, Governor Jeb Bush signed a new law, known as the Jessica Lunsford Act, mandating a sentence of 25 years to life for certain sex crimes perpetrated against children younger than 11 years old. If convicted, and if you ever do get out of prison, your whereabouts will be tracked by satellite for the rest of your life.
This is not something you can risk. The attorneys at Karz & Phillips do not want these things to happen to you any more than you want them to happen to you. We will thoroughly investigate the details of the incident responsible for the charges that have been brought against you. We will fight to make sure that any factor that might exonerate you is brought to the attention of prosecutors. Call the attorneys at Katz & Phillips today for a consultation and to find out how we can help.
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