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Sanford, Longwood, and Tavares Underage DUI Attorneys Ready to Fight for You

DUI laws are slightly different regarding drivers under the age of 21. As a Florida resident must be at least 21 years of age to lawfully consume alcohol, the State authorizes law enforcement personnel to detain any driver under the age of 21 if the officer has probable cause to believe that he or she has any level of alcohol in his or her system. The officer also has the authority to request the driver to submit to a breath or blood test to determine the presence and/or level of blood alcohol, and a driver found to have virtually any blood alcohol may have his or her driver’s license suspended.

Any driver under the age of 21 who operates a motor vehicle while shown to have a blood alcohol content of 0.02% or greater may face a six-month license suspension by the Florida DHSMV. A second or subsequent underage DUI offense may result in a year-long license suspension. Any driver under the age of 21 who refuses to submit to a breath or blood test faces increased penalties. A first refusal will result in driver’s license suspension for one year. A second or subsequent refusal may result in an 18-month suspension.

Underage DUI Defense Attorneys With Experience Serving Sanford, Longwood, and Tavares

Katz & Phillips, P.A. has a wealth of experience defending many types of drunk driving charges, and this has equipped us with a set of strategies that will work for your underage DUI case.

In underage DUI cases, defense strategies are pivotal in challenging the charges and protecting the rights of the accused. A common defense approach is contesting the legality of the initial traffic stop. This involves scrutinizing whether law enforcement had a valid reason or probable cause to make the stop. If it’s determined that the stop was without legal justification, evidence obtained thereafter, such as breathalyzer results, may be deemed inadmissible in court.

Another critical defense tactic focuses on the accuracy and administration of breathalyzer tests. Defense attorneys often question the calibration and maintenance of the testing device, as well as the protocol followed during the test. Any procedural errors or lapses in maintaining the equipment can cast doubt on the reliability of the BAC results.

Procedural defenses play a significant role as well. This includes examining the arrest process, ensuring that the accused’s rights were not violated and that proper legal procedures were followed. For instance, if the arresting officer failed to read the Miranda rights to the underage individual, this could impact the case’s outcome.

These defensive strategies aim not just to challenge the evidence, but also to uphold the legal rights of the underage individual, ensuring a fair and just process in the complex landscape of DUI litigation.

Understanding Florida’s Zero Tolerance Laws

Florida’s approach to underage drinking and driving is encapsulated in its “Zero Tolerance” laws, which are markedly stricter than DUI laws for those over 21. These laws underscore the state’s firm stance against underage drinking and driving, recognizing the heightened risks involved. While the standard legal limit for blood alcohol content (BAC) in drivers over 21 is 0.08%, for those under 21, this threshold is significantly lower at 0.02%. This difference is crucial as it reflects the state’s intent to discourage any level of alcohol consumption by underage drivers.

The rationale behind the stringent 0.02% limit is multifaceted. Firstly, it acknowledges the physiological effects of alcohol on younger individuals, who may be more impaired by smaller amounts of alcohol compared to adults. Additionally, it serves as a preventive measure, aiming to deter underage drinking entirely, considering the legal drinking age in Florida is 21. Furthermore, these laws are intended to instill responsible behaviors in young drivers, promoting safety for both themselves and others on the road.

The Zero Tolerance policy thus plays a dual role: it acts as a legal deterrent against underage drinking and driving, and it also serves an educational purpose, emphasizing the serious repercussions of such actions. This approach shows Florida’s commitment to reducing DUI-related incidents among underage drivers and ensuring safer roadways for all.

Role of Parents in Underage DUI Cases

In underage DUI cases, parents play a crucial role. It’s vital to engage a skilled DUI attorney who specializes in underage cases for legal guidance. Emotionally, parents should provide support and understanding, recognizing the stress and fear their child may be experiencing. Open, non-judgmental communication is key, as is educating themselves about the legal process. Parents can also help by discussing the consequences of DUI and reinforcing responsible behavior. This approach not only aids in navigating the legal challenges but also supports the child’s emotional well-being, fostering a constructive environment for facing and learning from the situation.

Get an Experienced Sanford, Longwood, and Tavares Underage DUI Law Firm

If you or your under-21 child are facing underage DUI charges in Sanford, Longwood or Tavares, Fla., a DUI lawyer at Katz & Phillips, P.A. may be able to help. Our attorneys have a great deal of experience in defending all types of drunk driving charges, and we will apply our extensive knowledge of underage DUI law to defend you or your child against license suspension or possible criminal charges, depending upon the nature of your case.

Don’t hesitate. If you or your child are charged with under-21 DUI in Seminole or Lake County, contact a DUI attorney at Katz & Phillips today for more information and/or to arrange a defense.

DUI with injury, recognized as one of the gravest drunk driving offenses, carries significant legal, personal, and ethical implications. This charge stands out due to the direct harm it causes to others, elevating its seriousness beyond standard DUI offenses.

In jurisdictions like Florida, DUI with injury often leads to felony charges, resulting in more stringent penalties such as extended jail time, substantial fines, and longer probation periods. The prosecution of these cases is notably aggressive, reflecting societal emphasis on preventing drunk driving and its potential for causing harm.

The repercussions for those convicted extend beyond legal penalties; they face profound impacts on their careers, particularly in sectors demanding clean driving records or security clearances. The social stigma attached to causing injury while intoxicated adds another layer of consequence. Additionally, individuals face civil liabilities, with injured parties possibly seeking compensation for damages like medical expenses and lost wages, imposing a lasting financial burden. The ethical dimension of DUI with injury charges is also significant, often bringing about a deeper sense of remorse and understanding of the consequences of drunk driving compared to standard DUIs.

Defending these charges is complex, involving aspects like accident reconstruction and medical testimony to challenge the link between the driver’s impairment and the accident. Overall, DUI with injury is a stark reminder of the heightened responsibility drivers bear to avoid operating vehicles under the influence, highlighting the severe consequences when this responsibility is neglected. At Katz & Phillips, P.A., we represent clients facing DUI charges–including DUI with injury– throughout Sanford, Tavares, Longwood, and surrounding areas in Florida.

Fight Your Charge With a Sanford, Longwood and Tavares DUI With Injury Attorney

DUI charges of any kind are serious, but those involving injury to another person are especially so. It is critical to seek immediate representation to protect your freedom and driving privileges.

Katz & Phillips works to defend your rights from the very outset of the case by offering a free case evaluation with one of our experienced DUI defense attorneys. You can ask any questions and express any concerns, and have them addressed in an honest, straightforward manner, taking care to keep your best interests at heart.

DUI With Injury – Hard-Hitting Defense Throughout Florida

DUI with injury occurs when a driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs causes a traffic accident that results in injury to another person, whether a pedestrian, cyclist, driver or passenger from another vehicle. A DUI accident involving property damage or minor injury is a misdemeanor offense, punishable by up to a year in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000. However, a DUI accident causing serious bodily injury is a felony offense, punishable by up to five years in Florida state prison.

The outcome of a DUI with injury case is heavily dependent on establishing the actual cause of the accident and the resultant injuries. In these situations, law enforcement officers often operate under the presumption that a driver who has consumed alcohol, even minimally, is responsible for the accident. This assumption, however, isn’t always accurate, and overcoming this bias is a critical aspect of the defense strategy.

To counter this presumption and avoid a wrongful conviction, a defense lawyer must meticulously dismantle the prosecution’s narrative. This is primarily done through two key methods: accident reconstruction and the utilization of expert witness testimony.

Accident Reconstruction

This is a scientific process where specialists analyze the accident scene, vehicle damage, skid marks, and other physical evidence to piece together how the accident occurred. The goal is to objectively determine the sequence of events leading up to the accident. This analysis can reveal crucial details, such as the speed of the vehicles, the point of impact, and whether other factors (like road conditions or actions of other drivers) may have contributed to the accident. Such findings are instrumental in challenging the assertion that the defendant’s alleged intoxication was the sole or primary cause of the accident.

Expert Witness Testimony

Expert witnesses, including accident reconstructionists, medical professionals, and toxicologists, play a pivotal role in interpreting technical data and presenting it in a comprehensible manner to the court. For instance, a toxicologist can provide insights into how the defendant’s blood alcohol content (BAC) level might have affected their driving abilities, or whether it was even a significant factor in the accident. Medical experts can assess the extent and cause of injuries, possibly demonstrating that they were not as severe as claimed or were not directly caused by the accident.

By combining these approaches, a defense attorney aims to create reasonable doubt about the defendant’s culpability. They strive to show that factors other than the defendant’s alleged impairment could have led to the accident, thus challenging the direct causation link essential for a DUI with injury conviction. This approach is not about evading responsibility but ensuring a fair and just evaluation of the incident based on objective evidence and expert analyses.

Contact Katz & Phillips, P.A. as Your Sanford, Longwood and Tavares DUI With Injury Law Firm

If you find yourself facing DUI with Injury charges, it’s crucial to act swiftly and decisively. Contact a knowledgeable DUI lawyer at Katz & Phillips, P.A. immediately to initiate a strong, effective defense strategy. Our team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to protecting your rights and guiding you through this challenging time.

We understand the complexities of DUI cases and are prepared to offer the comprehensive legal support you need. Don’t let uncertainty dictate your future – get your defense into gear today. Call Katz & Phillips, P.A. for a detailed consultation and take the first step towards safeguarding your freedom and your future.

Confronting DUI charges in Florida, especially with previous convictions, is an undeniably difficult matter. However, our expertise at Katz & Phillips, P.A., could be your advantage. Our firm has a robust track record of defending clients with multiple DUI offenses across Sanford, Tavares, Longwood, and other Florida locales. Our legal team, deeply versed in DUI defense, includes founding partner David Katz, whose background as a former prosecutor and DUI/Intoxilyzer Specialist enriches our strategic approach.

Differences in Penalties Based on Circumstances:

In Florida, DUI penalties can significantly vary based on several aggravating factors, including the driver’s Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level, involvement in accidents, and the presence of minors in the vehicle. A higher BAC level typically results in harsher penalties. For instance, a BAC level of 0.15% or higher, substantially above the legal limit of 0.08%, often leads to increased fines, longer jail sentences, and extended periods for mandatory ignition interlock devices.

In cases where a DUI results in an accident, especially if it causes injury or death, the consequences become more severe. These scenarios can elevate a DUI charge to a felony with substantial prison time, larger fines, and longer license suspension periods. Furthermore, the involvement of minors in the vehicle during a DUI incident is another critical factor. If convicted of DUI with a minor passenger, a driver faces heightened penalties, reflecting the increased risk and irresponsibility of such an act. These can include extended jail time and increased fines.

Penalties for First DUI

The penalties for a first DUI offense in Florida are as follows:

  1. Fines The fine for a first DUI can range from $500 to $1,000. If the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is 0.15% or higher, or if a minor is in the vehicle, the fine ranges from $1,000 to $2,000.
  2. Community Service Mandatory 50 hours of community service or an additional fine of $10 for each required hour of community service.
  3. Probation The total period of probation and incarceration may not exceed one year.
  4. Imprisonment For a first DUI, the imprisonment term can be up to 6 months. If the BAC is 0.15% or higher, or a minor is in the vehicle, imprisonment can be for up to 9 months.
  5. License Revocation A minimum of 180 days and up to one year for a first offense.
  6. DUI School Mandatory attendance at a DUI Substance Abuse Course.
  7. Evaluation If recommended, the offender must undergo a substance abuse evaluation and treatment.
  8. Vehicle Impoundment The vehicle may be impounded for 10 days, which cannot occur concurrently with the incarceration.

It’s important to note that these penalties can be influenced by the specific circumstances of each case and the discretion of the court. Legal representation may also impact the final outcome of sentencing.

Understanding the Penalties for Multiple DUI Offenses

Specific penalties for DUI (Driving Under the Influence) in Florida may vary, depending upon your particular case. A first conviction can be costly enough, in terms of both time and money. However, being convicted of a subsequent DUI can almost guarantee a stiffening of those penalties. Following is a basic outline of penalties a driver may face for a second or third DUI conviction:

Second DUI Conviction (within five years)

  • Five-year license suspension
  • 10 days to nine months in jail
  • $1,000 to $2,000 in fines and court fees
  • 12 months probation
  • 30-day vehicle impoundment

Third DUI Conviction (within 10 years)

  • 10 year license suspension
  • 90 days to five years in prison
  • $2,000 to $3,000 in fines and court fees
  • 90-day vehicle impoundment
  • Ignition interlock device for a minimum of two years

Role of Legal Representation in DUI Cases

A criminal defense attorney plays a crucial role in mitigating penalties or challenging evidence in DUI cases. One common strategy is questioning the accuracy and calibration of breathalyzer tests. Attorneys often scrutinize the maintenance records of these devices, as any irregularity can lead to inaccurate BAC readings. Moreover, the method and timing of the test are critical; improper administration can invalidate results.

Another key defense strategy involves examining the legality of the traffic stop and arrest procedure. Attorneys assess whether the police had a valid reason (reasonable suspicion) to stop the vehicle and if they followed proper protocol during the arrest, including the administration of field sobriety tests. Any procedural errors or violations of constitutional rights can lead to evidence being dismissed.

Additionally, lawyers might investigate the possibility of medical conditions or external factors that could falsely elevate BAC readings. By leveraging these strategies, a skilled attorney can significantly influence the outcome of a DUI case, potentially reducing charges or achieving a dismissal.

Defending Drivers in Lake County and Seminole County, Florida

Facing Florida DUI charges when you already have one or more such convictions on your record is, to be blunt, a very serious situation. We may be able to help. At Katz & Phillips, P.A., we have represented hundreds of clients facing multiple DUI offenses throughout Sanford, Tavares, Longwood, and surrounding areas in Florida. Our attorneys are highly experienced in defending DUI charges, and founding partner David Katz is a former prosecutor and DUI/Intoxilyzer Specialist.

We begin the defense process by offering a free initial consultation with a skilled DUI attorney to discuss your case and how our firm can assist. When a client is facing a subsequent DUI conviction, we can work not only to challenge the current charges you are facing but also to question or disprove previous convictions. We fight to assert and defend your legal rights every step of the way through both the criminal court proceedings and your DMV hearing.

If you are facing a second, third, or even your first DUI conviction, don’t hesitate to contact a DUI lawyer at Katz & Phillips, P.A. today for a free consultation regarding your case.

Drunk driving accidents are all too common in Florida. Roughly one in three traffic fatalities involves a substance-impaired driver. Ranked third in nation for highest number of drunk driving accidents (superseded by only Texas and California), Florida law enforcement is extremely strict in its enforcement of DUI laws and drunk driving accidents are prosecuted vigorously by the department of justice.

The fact is, if you have been involved in a traffic accident and an officer suspects you are under the influence, you may be arrested and the prosecution will take the possibility of a DUI into consideration when determining charges. The penalties for a DUI conviction involving an accident in which someone is injured are substantial. In addition to the statutory penalties relating to a DUI conviction, you may also be facing additional fines and jail time, and possible felony charges. If convicted, it will remain on your criminal record indefinitely.

Do I Need a Tampa Drunk Driving Accident Attorney?

At difficult times like these, it is imperative that you retain a qualified attorney dedicated to DUI accident defense like those at the law firm of Katz & Phillips, P.A.

Penalties relating to accidents with injuries or property damage:

  • First-Degree Misdemeanor (involving property damage or personal injury): not more than $1,000 fine, and not more than 1-year imprisonment (in addition to statutory DUI penalties)
  • Third-Degree Felony (causes serious bodily injury while driving under the influence): not more than $5,000 fine, and not more than 5 years imprisonment (in addition to statutory DUI penalties)
  • DUI Manslaughter and Vehicular Homicide (second-degree felony): not more than $10,000 fine, and 15 years imprisonment (in addition to statutory DUI penalties)
  • DUI Manslaughter and Vehicular Homicide-Leaving the Scene (first-degree felony): not more than $10,000 fine, and 30 years imprisonment (in addition to statutory DUI penalties)

Felony convictions in particular bring devastating permanent sanctions. For example, in the state of Florida you would be prohibited from owning a firearm, prohibited from obtaining an occupational license (including physicians, lawyers, massage therapists, florists, and others), and loss of the right to vote and stand on a public jury.

Fighting Your DUI Accident Charges in Tampa

It is, however, difficult for the prosecution to meet the burden of evidence required to prove that you were in fact involved in a drunk driving accident in Tampa. A competent Tampa DUI attorney can help your DUI defense by:

  • Challenging the results of chemical blood alcohol level tests
  • Challenging the validity of a field sobriety test
  • Challenging the conditions during which you were taken into custody
  • Challenging police or prosecutorial negligence

Call Our Tampa Drunk Driving Accidents Law Firm

At the law firm of Katz & Phillips, P.A., some of our attorneys have past experience in criminal prosecution and are intimately familiar with a district attorney’s strategy. We use this knowledge to our clients’ advantage, putting together a specialized and aggressive defense on our clients’ behalf.

We have decades of collective experience assisting clients in the Tampa area. If you have been arrested for a drunk driving accident in Tampa, call our offices today for a free consultation with one of our DUI attorneys. We will evaluate your case with you and discuss your options. There is no obligation, call today: .

Drinking and driving is a serious offense and something we should all avoid whenever possible. However, sometimes we make mistakes and we need the help of a Tampa DUI lawyer. Facing a drinking and driving offense without a lawyer on your side can quickly turn into your worst nightmare. If you need an attorney, we can help.

Since most DUI cases are not as easy to handle as they may appear, good defense attorney can give you a little peace of mind. With the help of a DUI lawyer in Tampa, you will know what to expect and when to expect it. Hiring the right attorney makes all the difference. You should fully understand the possible penalties, which your attorney will explain to you completely.

Facing a Drunk Driving Conviction With a Tampa DUI Attorney

The state of Florida takes offenses involving alcohol very seriously and the penalties won’t include just a slap on the wrist. Accidents resulting from a DUI often come with serious injuries and even deaths. Due to the dangers associated with drinking and driving, the consequences are very still. With the right Tampa DUI attorney, you may face lesser charges.

Your First Tampa DUI

  • First Steps For a DUI in Tampa

The first DUI in Tampa, Florida comes with many consequences including community service, probation, large fines and possible jail time. Assuming you didn’t cause an accident, any injuries or damage to property, the charges may include:

  • A fine of $500 to $1,000
  • Potentially one-year probation
  • Community services up to 50 hours (Serving the actual time can be avoided by paying an additional fine of $10 per hour assigned.)
  • Jail time ranging from eight-hours to six months
  • Driver’s license revocation from 6 to 12 months
  • Mandatory DUI school with a Level I twelve hour class
  • Your vehicle will be impounded and potentially immobilized

If a minor is in the car with you or your blood alcohol level is .15 or higher, you can face up to nine months in jail, a fine ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 and longer community service. Those receiving their first DUI offense may be able to receive a hardship driver’s license for business or work purposes. DUI school must be completed first and FR-44 insurance is required with a $115 administrative free and a $60 reinstatement fee.

Multiple offenses come with stronger penalties. If you’ve been convicted of a DUI in the past and become arrested again, your need for a DUI attorney in Tampa for your case is vital. The protection a defense attorney can provide can lessen the blow of the consequences you face.

Your Second DUI

The consequences of a second DUI in Tampa can vary, depending on how long it’s been since your first conviction. If the second conviction happens within five years of your first DUI offense, you may face the following:

  • Jail time – minimum of 10 days and up to nine months (If a minor was in the vehicle or your BAL is .15 or higher, you can face up to a one-year in jail.)
  • Fines ranging from $1,000 up to $2,000 (Fines are doubled if your BAL is .15 or higher or you have a minor in the vehicle.)
  • One-year of probation
  • A minimum of 50 hours community service or an additional fine of $10 per hour of community service
  • A minimum license revocation period of five years with no possibility of a hardship reinstatement for the first year
  • Vehicle impoundment of at least 30 days

After the first year, you may apply for a hardship reinstatement upon completion of DUI School. You must also remain in a supervised DUI program throughout the rest of the revocation period. Any missed treatment will result in the cancellation of your hardship driver’s license. You must also show that you haven’t consumed any alcohol in the past year and an ignition interlock device must be installed on your vehicle.

If your second DUI conviction happens five years after your first conviction, it’s usually treated like a first offense. However, you may face larger fines, more jail time and a mandatory ignition interlock device for one year. Even though the minimum penalties may be the same as your first offense, the prosecutor could ask for more jail time and larger penalties. Make sure you hire one of the best Tampa DUI lawyers if you’re facing your second DUI charge.

Your Third DUI

In Tampa, if you find yourself facing a potential third DUI, the penalties can be very severe. You will need the help of top Tampa DUI attorneys if you expect to avoid the maximum penalties.

Prosecutors often seek the harshest punishment, especially if your prior convictions were in the past ten years. If your last DUI conviction happened more than ten years ago, you may face the following:

  • Required jail time up to 12 months and at least 30 days
  • Up to one-year probation
  • Fines ranging from $2,000 to $5,000
  • Minimum driver’s license revocation of 180 days and a maximum of one-year
  • Mandatory ignition interlock device
  • Court ordered DUI School with Level II classes
  • Vehicle impoundment up to 90-days after incarceration

If your third conviction happens within ten-years of your last conviction, you face severe felony DUI penalties including:

  • Mandatory jail time of 30 days
  • Fines up to $5,000
  • Vehicle impoundment of 90 days
  • Up to ten-year driver’s license revocation with no chance of a hardship reinstatement for the first two years
  • Mandatory ignition interlock device
  • Completion of DUI School

When Facing a Charge, Get a Tampa DUI Law Firm

The state of Florida has a zero tolerance policy for drivers under 21 years of age. If you’re under 21 and driving with a blood alcohol level of .02 or higher, you automatically lose your driver’s license for six-months. It only takes one drink to reach a .02 BAL. If you find yourself in this situation, you will need to hire one of the DUI attorneys in Tampa to handle your case.

Keep in mind, these penalties are considered the minimum requirements used in a Tampa DUI conviction. If you cause an accident, injure someone, cause property damage or cause a death, you will face multiple charges including more jail time and stiffer penalties. Anytime you face a DUI charge, a Tampa DUI lawyer can make sure you have the best defense possible.

Facing this charge alone and pleading “guilty” will often lead to harsh penalties including more jail time. DUI cases are taken very serious in Florida and you won’t just walk out of the courtroom with a small fine. If you’ve been arrested and you face potential conviction of a DUI, you need a skilled Tampa DUI attorney for your defense.

If you’re confronting criminal charges for a DUI accident resulting in injury, immediate action is essential. The complexities and potential consequences of such charges demand skilled legal representation. Contacting an experienced Orlando DUI with injury defense attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

At Katz & Phillips, P.A., we specialize in handling the intricacies of DUI with injury cases. Our legal team is equipped with the knowledge and experience needed to effectively counter the prosecution’s allegations. We understand that facing such serious accusations can be overwhelming and life-altering. Our goal is to provide you with a robust defense strategy, aiming to mitigate the charges and minimize the potential impact on your life.

We scrutinize every detail of your case, from the legality of the traffic stop to the procedures followed during your arrest and the accuracy of any tests conducted. Our approach is to challenge any weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and to ensure that your rights are fully protected throughout the legal process. By choosing Katz & Phillips, P.A., you’re not just hiring an attorney; you’re securing a team dedicated to fighting for your best interests and helping you navigate through this challenging time with the goal of achieving the most favorable outcome possible.

How Will An Orlando DUI Withy Injury Attorney Help Me?

Defending a DUI with injury case involves a multifaceted approach, as it combines elements of DUI law with the complexities of a personal injury case. Common defense strategies include challenging the accuracy of the blood alcohol content (BAC) testing methods used, such as breathalyzer or blood tests.

Legal representatives might also question the procedures followed during the arrest, including whether the law enforcement officers had probable cause to initiate the stop and whether the defendant’s rights were upheld throughout the process.

Another defense tactic can be disputing the direct causation between the defendant’s impairment and the injury, particularly in cases where other factors might have contributed to the accident. Legal counsel may also examine the circumstances surrounding the incident, seeking inconsistencies or errors in the prosecution’s case.

Each defense strategy is tailored to the specifics of the case, requiring a thorough understanding of both DUI and personal injury law.

Understanding Orlando DUI Involving Injury Charges

In Orlando, DUI with injury charges are a serious matter, entailing more severe consequences than standard DUI offenses. This charge is levied when an individual operating under the influence of alcohol or drugs causes an accident that results in injury to another person. Unlike a typical DUI, where the offense focuses on the act of driving while impaired, a DUI with injury combines this with the additional element of causing harm.

The legal implications are significant because it not only addresses the violation of DUI laws but also hold the individual accountable for the consequences of their actions. The charge can vary in severity, often depending on the extent of the injuries caused and whether there are any prior DUI convictions. Understanding the nuances of this charge is crucial for anyone facing such accusations, as it shapes the legal strategy and potential defenses.

Consequences of a DUI with Injury Conviction in Orlando, Florida

The consequences of a DUI with injury conviction in Orlando, Florida, are notably harsh. These can include extended jail time, substantial fines, and prolonged driver’s license suspension. Florida law may categorize DUI with injury as a felony, especially in cases of severe injury or if the offender has a history of DUI offenses. This categorization brings about more severe repercussions, potentially impacting civil rights and future employment opportunities. Additionally, convicts may face mandatory DUI education programs, community service, and the installation of ignition interlock devices on their vehicles. The specific penalties vary depending on the individual case details, such as the severity of the injuries and the defendant’s prior criminal record.

Penalties for DUI With Injury

Law enforcement and prosecutors in jurisdictions across the country, particularly in cases involving DUI with injuries, approach these offenses with a high degree of severity. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs dramatically increases the risk of causing serious or even fatal accidents. The repercussions of such actions are severe and far-reaching.

In instances where your impaired driving results in an accident, the charges escalate significantly. A standard DUI charge becomes much more serious, potentially leading to vehicular homicide charges if the accident results in a fatality. Additionally, if someone is seriously injured in the accident, you could face charges of aggravated assault or assault with a deadly weapon, reflecting the gravity of the harm caused.

If You Are Successfully Convicted, You Could Be Sentenced To:

  • Up to 15 years in prison
  • Up to $10,000 in fines
  • Restitution to the victim
  • Probation
  • Driver’s license suspension
  • Community service
  • Court-ordered DUI classes

An Orlando DUI With Injury Law Firm Ready to Fight for You

Katz & Phillips, P.A. has handled countless DUI cases involving injury and we are experienced at defending clients against these types of charges.  The main defense strategy we look at is whether or not you actually caused the accident.  Was the police officer quick to blame you for the accident?  Was your BAC level even above the legal limit?  These are the types of things we look at, and whatever the reason, rest assured we will create an effective defense strategy to contest the prosecution’s accusations and help resolve your case successfully.

If you’re facing charges for DUI with injury, please contact an Orlando DUI lawyer at Katz & Phillips, P.A. today!

While many drunk driving arrests occur at traffic stops, other DUI arrests result from accidents in which property damage or bodily injury occurs, either to the drunk driver, a passenger in the driver’s vehicle, the driver or passenger in another vehicle, or even to a pedestrian. If you or a loved one find yourself in this situation, the assistance of an Orange County drunk driving accident lawyer will be invaluable to your case. When property damage or injury to another person results from a DUI accident, the charge is likely to be a misdemeanor offense, which is punishable by up to one year of incarceration, as well as a fine of up to $1,000. If a DUI accident causes serious bodily injury to another person, however, the stakes become much higher. This type of DUI accident is typically charged as a felony, which can carry a prison sentence of up to five years. In a situation such as this, you will need experienced legal representation which  Katz & Phillips, P.C. can offer you.

What Is The Role of an Orange County Drunk Driving Accident Attorney?

Law enforcement officials are often quick to assume that a driver who has been drinking is automatically at fault for any accident in which he or she becomes involved. However, that assumption is not always true. The other driver may have substantially contributed to the accident by violating a traffic law, engaging in distracted behavior while driving, or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs himself or herself. As a result, it is necessary for your Orange County drunk driving accident attorneys to take significant steps to investigate your accident, including:

  • Reviewing police reports and witness statements
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Reconstructing the accident scene
  • Going over the accident with you in great detail
  • Delving into the driving history of other drivers involved in the accident

By taking these investigatory steps, the lawyers of Katz & Phillips, P.A., can fully understand the nature of your accident and determine the extent to which your alleged impairment caused or contributed to the accident and any ensuing injuries to others.

Understanding DUI Laws in Orange County

In Orange County, Florida, DUI (Driving Under the Influence) laws are stringent and clearly defined. A DUI offense occurs when a driver operates a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or other substances. The legal limit for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08% for drivers aged 21 and over. For commercial drivers, the limit is lower at 0.04%, and for drivers under 21, it’s a mere 0.02%. These limits reflect a commitment to road safety, as impairment significantly increases the risk of accidents. In practice, law enforcement in Orange County actively enforces these regulations through checkpoints and routine traffic stops. If a driver is suspected of DUI, field sobriety tests and breathalyzers are commonly used to assess impairment. A DUI charge in Orange County can lead to severe penalties, including fines, license suspension, and even jail time, especially for repeat offenders or if the DUI results in an accident.

Legal Process and Proceedings in Orange County Drunk Driving Accident DUI Cases

A drunk driving accident attorney specializes in navigating the complex legal landscape surrounding DUI cases, particularly those involving accidents. Their expertise can be invaluable in various ways:

  1. Understanding Legal Proceedings: DUI laws and procedures in Orange County are intricate. An experienced attorney understands every stage of the legal process, from arrest to post-trial appeals. They can explain these stages in understandable terms, ensuring you are fully aware of your rights and the implications of each step in the process.
  2. Representation During Arrest and Arraignment: During the initial phases, such as the arrest and arraignment, an attorney can offer crucial guidance. They ensure that your rights are protected during the arrest and can advise on the best plea to enter at the arraignment, based on the specifics of your case.
  3. Handling Pre-Trial Motions and Discovery: An attorney can file strategic pre-trial motions, potentially leading to suppressed evidence or even case dismissal. During the discovery phase, they meticulously analyze evidence, identifying weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and gathering crucial evidence for your defense.
  4. Plea Bargain Negotiation: Skilled in negotiation, a drunk driving accident attorney can communicate with the prosecution to potentially reduce charges or penalties. This can be particularly important in reducing the severity of consequences in drunk driving accident cases.
  5. Trial Representation: If your case goes to trial, having a knowledgeable attorney is indispensable. They will present a well-prepared defense, challenge prosecution evidence, and work to establish reasonable doubt, aiming to achieve the best possible outcome.
  6. Post-Trial Support: In the event of a conviction, an attorney can assist with post-trial motions or appeals, seeking to overturn the verdict or reduce penalties.

A drunk driving accident attorney provides essential legal expertise, represents your interests at every stage, and works tirelessly to mitigate the consequences of a DUI charge, particularly in cases involving accidents. Their support and guidance can be the difference between a severe penalty and a more favorable outcome.

Types of Drunk Driving Accidents

Different types of DUI accidents can lead to drunk driving incidents being charged not as a misdemeanor but as a felony  which have much greater repercussions. Felony criminal offenses can bar you from certain types of employment, and can even cost you your job under some circumstances. Likewise, your Orange County drunk driving accident attorneys can tell you that a felony conviction is much more likely to result in a term of imprisonment, as opposed to a misdemeanor which may carry a sentence involving little or no jail time.  DUI accidents that might lead to a felony charge can include hit-and-run accidents, accidents that result in serious bodily injury to another driver, passenger, or pedestrian, and DUI manslaughter, in which another person is killed as a result of an accident.

Call Our Experienced Orange County Drunk Driving Accident Law Firm

If you have been charged with DUI following an accident, do not hesitate to contact your Orange County drunk driving accident lawyer at Katz & Phillips, P.A., today.  Call (321) 332-6864 for the legal representation that you need and deserve. Don’t face these difficult circumstances on your own; let our experience guide you as we accompany you through every step of the court process and work together toward a successful resolution of your case.

Most people have heard of a DUI, but have you ever encountered the term “BUI” before? BUI is an acronym for Boating Under the Influence and is subject to many of the same standards (and penalties) as a DUI charge.

Like a DUI, Florida statute mandates that a blood alcohol content of .08 percent or greater constitutes a criminal offense. If you are caught by law enforcement operating a watercraft with a BAC of .08 percent, chances are you will be arrested and face BUI charges. If that happens, an Orange County BUI lawyer at Katz & Phillips, P.A. can help you mount a vigorous defense.

A first-time BUI offense can land you up to a $1,000 fine and six months in jail (with penalties increasing with each subsequent BUI conviction, or if your BAC measures above .15 percent). Florida lawmakers have enacted and actively enforce these stringent penalties, yet do a poor job of advertising the dangers associated with BUI. Unfortunately, lack of knowledge about the law is not a sustainable defense in a Florida court of law. For that, you need to consult with an Orange County BUI attorney.

How Will an Orange County BUI Attorney Help Me?

Despite these harsh consequences, there’s a common underestimation of the severity of BUI offenses. Many individuals may not realize the legal implications of operating a watercraft while impaired. This lack of awareness can lead to unexpected legal challenges and the harsh reality of facing substantial penalties.

This is where the role of knowledgeable BUI attorneys becomes crucial. An experienced lawyer understands the nuances of BUI laws in Orange County and can provide invaluable guidance through the legal process. They can help in navigating the complexities of the case, from examining the evidence and challenging procedural missteps to negotiating penalties and exploring possible defenses.

Immediate Steps After a BUI Arrest in Florida

If you’re arrested for Boating Under the Influence (BUI), taking prompt and precise actions is crucial in protecting your rights and potentially influencing the outcome of your case. Here’s why immediate action is vital:

  1. Documentation of Details Memories can fade quickly, and details can become blurry. It’s imperative to document everything about the incident as soon as possible. This includes the time, location, weather conditions, actions taken by law enforcement, and any interactions or observations that seem relevant. Such details can provide your attorney with valuable information that may be used to challenge the evidence or the procedures followed during your arrest.
  2. Securing Evidence In some cases, there may be physical evidence or witness testimonies that could be pivotal to your defense. Acting quickly ensures that this evidence can be gathered before it’s lost or memories become less reliable. This might include photographs of the location, names of potential witnesses, or any other relevant information that could support your case.
  3. Legal Representation Contacting a skilled Orange County BUI lawyer immediately is one of the most important steps you can take. BUI laws are complex, and the legal system can be intimidating. An experienced criminal defense attorney will not only guide you through the process but will also start building your defense strategy right away. They can advise you on your rights, help you understand the charges against you, and begin negotiations or preparations for a trial if necessary.
  4. Preventing Self-Incrimination Without proper legal advice, you might inadvertently say or do something that could harm your case. An attorney can instruct you on how to communicate about your case, ensuring that you don’t provide any information to law enforcement or prosecutors that could be used against you.

In some cases, early intervention by a lawyer can lead to charges being reduced or even dismissed before a case goes to trial. An attorney can analyze the circumstances of your arrest to identify any procedural errors or violations of your rights, which can be crucial in your defense.

The steps you take immediately after a BUI arrest can have a profound impact on the legal process and the outcome of your case. Prompt documentation and securing a skilled BUI lawyer are critical to ensuring your rights are protected and to give you the best chance for a favorable outcome.

Penalties for BUI Offenses in Orange County

Facing a charge of Boating Under the Influence (BUI) is a serious matter with potentially severe penalties. The state of Florida enforces strict consequences for BUI offenses, emphasizing the seriousness with which it treats such violations. Here’s a closer look at what these penalties entail:

First-Time Offense Penalties

For individuals charged with a BUI for the first time, the penalties can be significant. These may include a fine of up to $1,000 and a jail term of up to six months. The severity of these penalties reflects the state’s commitment to deterring impaired boating and protecting public safety on waterways.

Escalation for Subsequent Offenses

If you are convicted of BUI more than once, the penalties become increasingly severe. Subsequent offenses can lead to higher fines, longer jail terms, and additional legal consequences. These escalating penalties serve as a strong deterrent against repeat offenses and underscore the importance of legal representation in such cases.

Impact of Higher BAC Levels

In cases where the boater’s blood alcohol content (BAC) is significantly above the legal limit (for example, above .15 percent), the penalties can be even more severe. Higher BAC levels may lead to increased fines and longer jail sentences, reflecting the increased risk posed to public safety.

Aggressive DUI Defense Tactics in Orange County

A casual boat ride on Orange County lakes can easily turn into an arduous ordeal with devastating consequences when alcohol is involved.

At Katz & Phillips, P.A., we understand what our clients are going through. We know that more often than not, those charged with BUI are unaware that their actions could be construed as criminal.

Cracking open a beer on a boat is a classic Floridian means of relaxing, and the last thing most people are thinking of is the possibility of getting arrested and forced to go to court. Our attorneys and staff provide aggressive defense coupled with compassionate service. We know the burden our clients face going up against a BUI charge, and we aim to shoulder as much of that burden as possible.

Schedule Your Free Consultation With Our Orange County BUI Law Firm

If you or a loved one has been arrested or charged with a BUI in Orange County, it’s important to seek qualified counsel immediately. Fast action could mean the difference between criminal conviction (and a permanent criminal record) and having your charges overturned.

Contact the law firm of Katz & Phillips, P.A. for a free consultation and case evaluation. You will speak directly with one of our BUI attorneys, who will discuss your case and give you options. An arrest does not equal a conviction, and the sooner you act, the greater your chances of disputing your charges.

Our qualified and compassionate attorneys will work with you throughout the process to provide you targeted legal assistance and to ensure that your rights are respected. Having handled many Orange County BUI cases in the past, we have the experience needed to contest charges on your behalf. Call today: 321-420-1284.

In the bustling city of Orlando, facing a DUI charge can have far-reaching consequences, not only legally but also on your personal and professional life. This article delves into the intricate and potentially severe penalties that accompany a DUI conviction in Florida, underscoring the critical need for skilled legal representation.

In Florida, the legal repercussions for driving under the influence are stringent and varied, ranging from incarceration and license suspension to mandatory alcohol rehabilitation. The severity of these penalties often hinges on multiple factors, such as the gravity of the offense, the driver’s history of DUI convictions, and the specific details of the incident.

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles outlines a spectrum of punishments, which for a first-time offender can include fines from $500 to $1,000, license suspension for up to a year, and mandatory community service. More severe penalties, like the installation of an ignition interlock device and vehicle impoundment, add further layers of complexity and disruption to one’s life.

Katz & Phillips, P.A. understands that your Orlando DUI case is unique. Many distinct factors and legal intricacies can affect the outcome. Engage an experienced Orlando DUI defense attorney to help ensure the best possible outcome for your case.  We stand ready to offer our legal expertise to guide you through this challenge.

Will an Attorney Help Me Avoid DUI Penalties in Orlando?

Penalties for a DUI conviction vary and can have a serious impact on a defendant’s life.  It is important that you have an experienced Orlando DUI defense lawyer who can dedicate themselves to protecting your rights and help you avoid conviction.

According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV), the following penalties may be imposed on a conviction for driving under the influence:


The length of jail time can range from a few days to several years, depending on factors such as the severity of the offense and prior convictions.

License Suspension

For a first-time DUI, you could face a license suspension from 180 days to one year. This suspension can significantly disrupt your ability to commute to work or fulfill other personal obligations.


Fines for a DUI in Orlando can vary widely, starting from $500 to $1,000 for a first offense, and increasing with subsequent offenses.

Community Service

50 hours of community service is typically mandated.

Ignition Interlock Device Installation

This device prevents your car from starting if it detects alcohol on your breath.

Vehicle Impoundment

Your vehicle may be impounded for a certain period, adding to the inconvenience and cost.

Mandatory Alcohol Rehabilitation or Counseling

This aims to address the root causes of DUI and prevent future incidents.

Key Factors Influencing DUI Penalties in Orlando

Every DUI case is inherently unique, and as a result, the penalties applied can differ significantly based on the particular details of each case. Three critical factors heavily influence the nature and severity of these penalties:

  1. Jurisdiction of Arrest The location where you were arrested plays a crucial role. Different jurisdictions within Florida may have varying approaches to DUI enforcement and sentencing. For instance, some areas might impose stricter penalties or have more rigorous prosecution practices for DUI offenses. Understanding the legal landscape of the jurisdiction where the offense occurred is essential in anticipating the potential outcomes.
  2. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) The level of your BAC at the time of the arrest is a pivotal factor. Florida law stipulates increasingly severe penalties for higher BAC levels. A BAC that is significantly above the legal limit can lead to more stringent penalties, as it indicates a higher level of impairment and risk to public safety. Conversely, a BAC closer to the legal threshold might result in more lenient sentencing, especially for first-time offenders.
  3. Prior Drunk Driving Convictions The presence of any previous DUI convictions on your record can dramatically affect the sentencing. Repeat offenses are viewed much more seriously, often leading to harsher penalties including longer jail terms, higher fines, extended license suspensions, and mandatory installation of ignition interlock devices. The legal system aims to deter repeat offenses through these escalated measures.

These factors collectively determine the legal ramifications of a DUI charge. It’s crucial to understand that the interplay of these elements can vary widely from case to case, underscoring the importance of personalized legal advice and representation. Engaging with a knowledgeable DUI attorney who can navigate these nuances and advocate on your behalf is vital in facing a DUI charge in Florida.

Penalties for a First Drunk Driving Conviction

  • The following penalties may be enforced for a first DUI conviction:
  • Fine of $500 to $1,000
  • 50 hours of community service, or additional fine of $10 per hour of community service required
  • Up to 6 months of imprisonment
  • Probation, not to exceed one year with the total period of incarceration and probation
  • 180 days to 1 year driver’s license suspension

If you face a second, third, and subsequent convictions, enhanced penalties will apply.

Get Expert Legal Advice from the Orlando DUI Penalties Law Firm Katz & Phillips, Orlando

Convictions for DUI that result in injury or, in more severe cases, vehicular manslaughter, are subject to significantly enhanced penalties under Florida law. These heightened consequences reflect the gravity of causing harm or death while driving under the influence. In these instances, offenders may face longer prison sentences, larger fines, and more extensive periods of license suspension. Additionally, they might be subjected to civil lawsuits from victims or their families, further compounding the legal and financial repercussions.

Given these severe potential outcomes, it becomes even more critical to address DUI charges proactively. Challenging your DUI charges effectively can be pivotal in reducing the likelihood of facing such stringent penalties. Early legal intervention allows for a thorough examination of the case details, including the assessment of any procedural errors or evidentiary weaknesses. An experienced DUI attorney can develop a robust defense strategy, negotiate plea bargains, or argue for reduced charges, depending on the specifics of your case.

Taking swift action by contacting a knowledgeable Orlando DUI attorney can have a substantial impact on the resolution of your case. The legal team at Katz & Phillips, P.A., is well-versed in the complexities of DUI law and is prepared to offer their expertise and guidance. They are dedicated to exploring every avenue to defend your rights and work towards the most favorable outcome, helping you navigate the challenging process of fighting your DUI charges.

Under Florida law, operating a vehicle while impaired by any substance, including prescription drugs like Ambien, can result in DUI charges. However, proving impairment due to Ambien poses unique legal challenges, as its effects can vary greatly between individuals and may not always result in observable impairment.

If you have been accused of driving under the influence after taking the prescription sleep aid Ambien, you may face unique legal challenges. These cases require an experienced attorney who understands the science behind Ambien-related DUIs.

At Katz & Phillips, P.A., our attorneys, with their background as former prosecutors, are adept at presenting compelling evidence and negotiating plea deals in complex cases like these.

How Can I Prepare For a Consultation With a DUI With Ambien Attorney?

When preparing for a consultation, it’s important to gather all pertinent information, including details about your Ambien prescription, any medical records relevant to your case, and specifics about the arrest and charges you face.

Katz & Phillips, P.A. is renowned for its DUI defense, particularly in complex cases involving substances like Ambien. Our attorneys, recognized as Super Lawyers and top criminal defense lawyers by Newsweek, have the necessary legal expertise and scientific understanding to navigate these challenging cases.

Ambien and Impaired Driving

Ambien is commonly prescribed as a sleep aid, but its impact on driving can be significant. It works by slowing brain activity to induce sleep, which can carry over into the next day, impairing driving abilities. Understanding Ambien’s pharmacological effects is crucial in these DUI cases, as it sets the stage for a nuanced defense strategy.

Scientific studies on Ambien have shown that it can affect motor skills, reaction time, and decision-making. In a legal context, these studies can be pivotal in defending against DUI charges, providing a basis for arguing that the presence of Ambien in the bloodstream does not necessarily equate to impairment.

Can I Be Charged With DUI While on Ambien?

Florida’s laws do not distinguish between impairment caused by alcohol or drugs, including prescription medications like Ambien. If a prosecutor can prove that Ambien impaired your ability to drive, you could face DUI charges. However, being charged does not guarantee a conviction, as there are various defenses available.

Navigating the Legal System with an Ambien DUI Charge

Facing a DUI charge involving Ambien involves navigating complex legal processes. From the arrest to court proceedings, each step requires a strategic approach, taking into account the specific nuances of Ambien-related impairment.

Strategies for Defense in Ambien DUI Cases

Defense strategies in Ambien DUI cases are particularly nuanced, given the unique nature of driving under the influence of a prescription drug. One key approach is to challenge the methods and accuracy of the drug testing employed by law enforcement. This could involve questioning the reliability of the tests used to detect Ambien in the bloodstream, as well as the conditions and timing of these tests, which can significantly affect their accuracy.

Another crucial defense tactic is disputing the procedures followed during the arrest. This might include examining whether the officers had probable cause for the initial stop or if they adhered to legal protocols during the arrest and subsequent testing. Any procedural missteps or violations of the defendant’s rights can be grounds for contesting the charges.

Additionally, arguing involuntary intoxication is a unique defense in Ambien cases. This defense acknowledges that the drug was in the defendant’s system but posits that the individual was not aware of the potentially impairing effects. Ambien is known for its sometimes unexpected and unusual side effects, including sleep-driving, where an individual might not be fully conscious or aware of their actions. The defense can argue that the defendant unknowingly became intoxicated due to an unforeseen reaction to the medication, which they took as prescribed.

Furthermore, the defendant’s medical history and prescription details can play a significant role. Demonstrating that the individual was following their prescription as directed by a healthcare professional and had no history of misuse can support the claim of involuntary intoxication.

Call Our Orlando DUI With Ambien Law Firm at Katz & Phillips

Facing DUI charges involving Ambien requires specialized legal representation, and Katz & Phillips, P.A. is well-prepared to offer this expertise. Our firm has extensive experience in dealing with complex DUI cases, particularly those involving prescription medications like Ambien. We understand the unique challenges these cases present, from interpreting medical evidence to challenging the standard DUI testing procedures. Our team is adept at navigating the intricacies of such cases, ensuring your rights are vigorously defended throughout the legal process.

When you engage our services, you gain access to a team that is not only knowledgeable in DUI law but also understands the pharmacological aspects of Ambien and how it can affect behavior and testing. We meticulously examine every detail of your case, from the legality of the traffic stop to the procedures followed during testing and arrest. Our approach is to tailor a defense strategy that addresses the specifics of your situation, aiming to achieve the best possible outcome.

Contacting Katz & Phillips, P.A. puts you in touch with an Orlando DUI with Ambien attorney who can offer personalized legal advice and representation. We are committed to providing a robust defense and guiding you through every step of the legal process. Reach out to us today to discuss your case and learn how our specialized expertise can assist in navigating these complex charges, aiming to protect your future and minimize the impact of the DUI charge on your life.

If police suspect you are driving while impaired, you may be asked to take a blood test. When your blood test shows substances in your body, you may be worried that there is no way for you to defend yourself against the DUI charges in Hillsborough County. In fact, there are options available to you even when blood tests reveal drugs or alcohol in your system.

At Florida DUI Law Firm, our attorneys are members of the National College of DUI Defense and are former assistant state attorneys who know how prosecutors work on DUI cases.  We can help you fight charges and avoid conviction even in situations where you may have a blood test showing you were above-the-limit.  Give us a call as soon as you can after you are arrested so our Hillsborough County lawyers can start working on your defense.

How a Defense Against Blood Tests Attorney Can Help After a Hillsborough County Arrest

You have several different options in situations where your blood tests showed you had alcohol or drugs in your system while driving:

  • You can argue you were not impaired. This may be a viable defense if you had low amounts of drugs or alcohol in your system, especially if the drugs were prescription medications in therapeutic doses.
  • You can try to get evidence suppressed. If police asked you to submit to the blood tests without probable cause, or if they stopped your vehicle without justification, your constitutional rights may have been violated. Evidence collected in violation of the Fourth Amendment cannot be presented in court.
  • You can try to argue a problem with the blood test results. If the evidence was not handled properly according to protocol or if there was a possibility the sample was contaminated, you can make the jury doubt that the blood test should be trusted. The prosecutor has to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt for you to be convicted.

Every case is different and the best approach to take when faced with blood tests showing impairment is going to vary depending upon your circumstances. A lawyer in Hillsborough County can help you tailor a defense to the specifics of your situation.

Getting Help From a Defense Against Blood Tests Law Firm in Hillsborough

When you need a DUI lawyer you can trust in Hillsborough County, Florida DUI Law Firm is here for you. We are available every day, 24 hours a day, so give us a call right away when police arrest you for driving impaired.

Field sobriety tests are the first thing a police office generally asks you to submit to if you are pulled over and the officer believes you are drunk. You can, and should, generally decline these tests as they are subjective and are usually used to try and get reasonable cause for a breathalyzer and an arrest. If you have taken the tests and police claim you failed, you can still fight DUI charges if you are arrested.

A Hillsborough County lawyer is going to help you try to keep the evidence collected in these tests out of court or undermine these and other evidence a prosecutor presents. If you can just make the jury doubt whether you drove drunk, you should not be found guilty.

Hillsborough County Defense Against Field Sobriety Test Attorneys Are Here To Help

At Florida DUI Law Firm, our attorneys are focused on drunk driving defense. We have extensive experience not just defending clients, but also working as former assistant state’s attorneys and INTOXILYZER experts.  We know and understand how to build effective DUI defenses for clients and we will work hard on your case every step of the way to try and get you the best outcome possible.

Field Sobriety Tests and DUI Charges

There are many different field sobriety tests you may be asked to undergo including a test where you follow a penlight with your eyes or a test where you are asked to walk heel-to-toe.

There are plenty of reasons why you may fail these tests even if you are sober, such as a medical condition or simply not being very coordinated.  Even determining whether you passed or failed the field sobriety test can be difficult, and law enforcement officers may not be properly trained on how to determine if your test showed intoxication or not.

Because of the myriad problems with the accuracy of field tests, they are not very good evidence in DUI cases. Your Hillsborough County defenses against field sobriety tests lawyer can help you get the evidence from the tests kept from being used at all if the traffic stop was illegal or if there was no probable cause to ask you to take the tests. Even when the evidence is presented by a prosecutor, your attorney will work hard to help make the jury doubt whether the tests should be used as credible evidence that you were too drunk to drive.

Contact a Hillsborough County Defenses Against Field Sobriety Tests Law Firm

A Hillsborough County defenses against field sobriety tests lawyer can provide invaluable advice in how to make a jury doubt the results of field tests, breath tests, and other DUI evidence. Call an attorney for help as soon as possible so you can begin working to undermine the prosecutor’s case and avoid conviction. Florida DUI Law Firm is available all day every day. We are standing by and ready to help you with your DUI case.