Understanding Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor

shutterstock_111443777When a police officer suspects that a minor has violated the law in some way, that minor can be arrested and charged with a crime. Other options include being issued a citation or being held in custody until they can be released to their parent or guardian. Typically, these instances can be fairly straightforward and easy to resolve.

In other cases, matters become more complicated. This is true when the minor committed a crime because they were encouraged to do so or aided by an adult. When this type of crime is suspected, Lucky Patcher Apk for Android, both the minor and the adult may be arrested. Being charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor is serious and should not be brushed off.

Contributing to the Delinquency

According to Florida law, contributing to child delinquency is defined as engaging in an act that causes or encourages a child to become delinquent. This includes any act which results in the child committing a crime. It doesn’t matter if the adult threatened, coerced or ordered the child to become delinquent. It includes enticing a child to become in need of service. “Child in need of services” is defined as:

  • Running away from home;
  • Become truant despite efforts to remedy the situation; or
  • Disobeying a reasonable and lawful request.

The most common examples of contributing to the delinquency of a child include permitting a teenager to have sexual relations with a boyfriend or girlfriend in the home, providing alcohol or drugs to a teenager, and recruiting minors to package or sell drugs.

While children may be considered old enough to understand that they are breaking the law and will be charged accordingly, the adult in the situation often faces far stiffer penalties.

Penalties for Child Delinquency

When an adult is convicted of contributing to child delinquency in Florida, they face a variety of consequences, ranging from fines to jail time. The law considers this crime to be a misdemeanor of the first degree. An adult convicted of the crime may be sentenced to probation or jail for up to one year. Possible additional penalties include court costs, restitution and community service.

In addition to the penalties imposed by the court, contributing to child delinquency can serve to stigmatize the convicted adult. It may restrict the adult’s ability to interact with their own children and children in the community. In some cases, it can affect licensure required for employment.

Because the penalties and consequences can be severe and far reaching, it is strongly recommended that any adult charged with this crime seek the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney. If you have been charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor in Florida, call our office. A member of our team will help you schedule an appointment for a free case evaluation.

Do not fight these charges on your own. A negative outcome could impact your ability to maintain or secure employment, your financial status and your freedom. We are here to help you. Call us for assistance today.


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