Longwood DUI Lawyer

A DUI is a serious offense. In the state of Florida, anyone that is tested and has a BAC (blood alcohol content) of 0.08 percent or higher is considered to be under the influence and charged with a DUI. The convictions and penalties for this crime can vary depending on your situation, which is why it can be helpful to have a Longwood DUI lawyer from Katz & Phillips on your side.

Benefits of Working With a Longwood DUI Attorney

Besides knowing the legal limit, you really have to understand how your legal case works and what the DUI laws are in Florida. With a Katz & Phillips attorney, you will be able to get the facts and strengthen your chances of an optimal outcome. Some of the benefits of having a DUI lawyer on your side include:

  • Knowledge of Florida DUI laws and penalties
  • An understanding of the court system
  • Professional, reputable legal support
  • A fighting chance against the prosecution
  • Support for all of your legal needs

This will allow you to understand your own case, as well as to have someone on your side who is going to work for your best interest.

Enlist a DUI Attorney in Longwood

When it comes to a DUI charge, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. Some people will try to defend themselves and hope that the law works in their favor, but justice isn’t always served as it should be. You shouldn’t risk your freedom, your driving abilities or anything else by taking a chance. If you hire a Katz & Phillips DUI attorney in Longwood, we will aggressively defend you against the prosecutor’s claims. We will investigate every aspect of your traffic stop and analyze any field sobriety tests for inaccuracies. We will interrogate the arresting officer and determine if any procedures were incorrectly followed. Our legal team won’t leave anything to chance, and you deserve a vigorous defense.

Contact Katz & Phillips When You Need a Longwood DUI Law Firm

There is something to be said for having reputable lawyers on your side in a Longwood DUI case. At Katz & Phillips, we have the resources to fight your Florida DUI charge. Our DUI defense attorneys are part of a larger criminal defense practice, providing a full suite of legal options for anyone accused of a crime. Contact us at any time to learn more about how we can help: 321-322-6864.

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509 W Colonial Dr. Orlando, FL 32804

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Free Consultation321-332-6864


Contact the Law Offices of Katz & Phillips today to speak with one of our attorneys about your case today by filling out the form below, or call us at 321-332-6864.


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