Florida residents face serious consequences when they are charged with a DUI. Police and prosecutors dutifully enforce drunk-driving laws and will make every effort to convict alleged wrongdoers. If you find yourself or a loved one in this situation, a St. Cloud DUI lawyer at Katz & Phillips is just a phone call away. Our Central Florida legal team is adept at DUI defense, having successfully handled hundreds of cases through our collective experience. You have only 10 days to petition for the continuation of driving privileges, so retaining an attorney to assist you becomes imperative.
In the state of Florida, there are a lot of different consequences for driving under the influence. The type of charge you have will affect the punishment, of course, and multiple offenses will trigger harsher penalties. By having a St. Cloud DUI attorney on your side, penalties can potentially be reduced. Some of the consequences include:
It is critical that you hire a DUI attorney in St. Cloud as soon as you’ve been charged with driving under the influence. Our founding partners, David Katz and James Phillips, are former prosecutors and once excelled at convicting drunk drivers. They now harness and share that knowledge with the firm to challenge prosecutors’ cases against their clients. Our attorneys will analyze every facet of your traffic stop and examine the results of any field sobriety tests. Police reports will be scrutinized and any witnesses will be questioned. If the police cruiser had a camera, we will request the video footage and assess whether the officer followed proper procedures. We know how to do all of this because we’ve done it before and we will do it for you.
At Katz & Phillips, we are committed to our clients throughout the legal process. Our phones are answered around the clock, so don’t hesitate to contact us at any hour of the day. Our criminal defense team has experience with various criminal charges, including DUI cases, blanketing the St. Cloud area with astute legal services. Call us now for a confidential consultation.
509 W Colonial Dr. Orlando, FL 32804
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Free Consultation321-332-6864
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